TM 55-2840-254-232-30.1 INSTALL RTV IN FIRST STAGE STATOR VANE ASSEMBLY (Continued) 2-30.1(a) Remove first stage stator retainers,details of RTV masking kit (T36.1) asfollows:123Remove two bolts (21 ), twowashers (22), and two nuts (23).Remove two screws (20) from aftretainer (15). Remove two clamps(19) and forward retainer (18) fromcompressor housing half (3).Install two screws (20) into aftretainer (15) and remove aftretainer (15) from compressorhousing half (3).Using tongue depressor, removeexcess RTV from compressor housinghalf (3) and splitline cavities (48).GO TO NEXT PAGEChange 52-254.27
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