TM 55-4920-328-13
2-4. Preparation for Interconnection.
To prepare the trailers for interconnection,
accomplish the following procedures:
a. Remove the removable screens (7, figure 1-
36) from both sides of the cooling tower module.
b. Remove the interconnecting cable assemblies
and hose assemblies from the storage boxes in the
auxiliary trailer assembly.
c. Install the removable screens removed in
step (a).
d. Remove the ground rod (234, figure 7-14) from
beneath the forward writing surface of the control cab
module by removing the retaining yokes (235, 236).
e. Attach the wire (232) and ground wire clamp
(233) to the ground rod (234) and tighten the nuts of the
clamp securely. Ensure that the contact surfaces of the
wire and clamp are clean and free from corrosion.
f. Drive the ground rod (234) into the ground to a
depth of at least five feet.
If the soil is dry or sandy, moisten the
surrounding soil to ensure an adequate
electrical ground.
g. Attach the free end of the wire (232) to the
control cab structure as shown in view A of figure 2-3.
Remove the nut (159, figure 7-14), washer (160), and
bolt (161). Attach the wire to the bolt and reinstall the
washer and nut. Tighten the nut securely.
h. Remove the grounding rod (4, figure 7-31)
from the stowed position.
i. Attach one end of the wire (3) to the grounding
rod (4), using the clamp (5). Ensure that the contact
surfaces of the wire and grounding rod are clean.
j. Attach the free end of the wire (3) to the ground
stud on the generator set as shown in view B of figure 2-
3 and tighten the nut securely.
k. Drive the grounding rod (4) into the ground to a
minimum depth of five feet.
If the soil is dry or sandy, moisten the
surrounding soil to ensure an adequate
electrical ground.
/. Disengage the hold downs on the bed of the
test trailer and remove the engine test dolly assembly
(figure 1-28).
m. Release the lockpins and pull multi-channel
vibration meter 2A3 (21, figure 1-23) out of the upper
portion of the analyzer sub-module (Unit 2) sufficiently
to gain access to the four vibration meters (22).
n. Remove the shorting jumpers from the
terminals of the four vibration meters.
o. Slide the chassis into the console of the
analyzer sub-module.
p. Release the lockpins and pull services panel
assembly 4A12 (1, figure 1-25) out of the upper portion
of the services sub-module (Unit 4) sufficiently to gain
access to the seven WATER BRAKE PERFORMANCE
ANALYZER meters (2 through 8).
q. Remove the shorting jumpers from the seven
r. Slide the chassis of services panel assembly
4A12 (1) into the console of the services submodule.
s. Remove the shipping flange from the forward
right side of the test trailer structure and install the water
brake supply line (13, figure 1-16).
t. Slide the chassis of the data multiplexer 1A5
(14, figure 1-22) out of the lower portion of the
material, then replace the unit.
2-5. Interconnection Procedures.
a. Initial Interconnection of Hose Assemblies.
assemblies between the trailers as shown in figure 2-4.
All other hose assemblies will be connected during
installation of the appropriate engine accessories, prior
to test, as outlined in a subsequent portion of this
manual. Avoid crossover of permanently installed hose
assemblies where possible, to avoid fraying.
b. Initial Interconnection of Cable Assemblies.
Electrically connect the control cab module with other
test trailer and auxiliary trailer components using figure
2-6 as a guide, and in accordance with the following:
(1) Connect cable W7 from connector J9
on the control cab rear connector plate (1) to connector
P2 on the fuel system fuel level transmitter.