TM 55-4920-328-13
following maintenance or repair and before returning the
engine to service, thereby increasing engine availability
by eliminating the need to return engines to an overhaul
b. Transportability. The modules which compose the
system are easily removed and each trailer assembly,
with all components installed, can be transported by C-
130 aircraft or helicopters.
c. Engine Accessories. In addition to the engine test
trailer assembly and auxiliary trailer assembly, engine
accessories designed specifically for each engine model
to be tested are required. The engine accessories are
described in detail beginning with paragraph 1-4f.
d. Test Trailer Assembly. The test trailer assembly
(figure 1-2) consists of the test trailer module, a control
cab assembly, and engine test dolly assembly and two
ground cable assemblies. The test trailer assembly
contains the necessary controls and instrumentation for
checking engine performance under various power and
load settings. The controls also permit remote operation
of the auxiliary trailer and the engine being tested, and
control of engine power absorption devices (water brake
assemblies). The test trailer instrumentation indicates
all engine test parameters including: compressor rotor
(NI), speed and power turbine rotor (NII) speed, fuel
pressure and consumption,
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