TB 1-1615-351-23
(2) To mix the coating, open Part A. Remove the tip cap from Part B and squirt the full contents into the can
containing Part A. Stir the mixture for a full two minutes using the stick provided, being careful to scrape the sides of the
can with the stick occasionally to assure total mixing of both parts. You have only 5 to 10 minutes to get the coating out of
the can, so don't start mixing until you have read the instructions in step h. and i. Below and are ready to start the
application. The coating cures faster in the can than it does on the blade.
h. Adhesive Coating Application.
One can of L-100 coating is just enough material to bond on one tip cap.
It is normal for some of the hairs from the brush to come off the brush and remain
in the coating.
(1) First coat the interior of the TASK L-101 tip cap boot with TASK L-100 polyurethane coating and set the boot
(2) Coat the masked off blade tip cap area with the remaining TASK L-100 polyurethane coating and paint brush.
i. Tip Cap Boot Application.
(1) Immediately insert the TASK L-101 boot onto the tip cap per the applicable illustration in figures 5-2 and 5-4.
Using the palms of your hands or a squeegee work out the air bubbles from under the tip cap boot by smoothing on
alternating sides of the boot from the leading edge to the aft edge and from the outboard tip to the inboard tip moving
slowly enough to allow air to be removed in front of the hand or squeegee. If TASK L-100 adhesive coating oozes out
from under the boot during smoothing. Then too much pressure is being applied to the squeegee.
(2) Lay the woven scrim cloth illustrated in figure 5-6 or 5-7 over the tip cap in the position per the applicable
illustration in figures 5-3 and 5-5 and tape into position. Position the vacuum bag over the scrim cloth and booted tip cap
by pulling the bag firmly against the tip cap boot leading edge and affixing the bag to the adhesive sealant strips. Remove
the outside adhesive backing strip from the sealant tape as you progress. Pay special attention to the seal around the
leading and trailing edges and vacuum hose manifold system. Vacuum bag wrinkles over the sealant tape are sources of
vacuum leaks and must be pulled flat.
(3) Apply power to the vacuum using 6-10 lbs of negative pressure and continue to work the air bubbles out to
the edges of the boot until you are confident that surface contact between the tip cap and boot will be retained. Soft areas
indicate that air is still trapped between the boot and the blade. If needed, release the vacuum and work air bubbles to
the closest edge and re-apply vacuum. Inspect for and seal any vacuum bag air leaks found. If multiple tip cap boots are
being installed, keep vacuum applied to first tip cap while installing boot on the next tip cap.