TB 1-1615-351-23
(4) Turn off the vacuum pump and remove vacuum bag and hoses after 60 minutes cure time. Remove masking
tape from tip cap.
(5) Inspect the boot installation visually for any obvious bubbles or unbonded edges and repair as necessary (see
repairs, step m.). Clear away all masking tape from all drain holes and seams. Inspect boot once again after 12 hour
cure time.
j. Install Blades . Install rotor blades per the applicable technical manual.
Cure time before track and balance is 12 hours a 77 degrees Fahrenheit and above
or 24 hours at temperatures below 77 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mixing of blades with boot covered tip caps and uncovered tip caps is prohibited.
k. Check Track and Balance. Check track and balance of the main rotors per the applicable technical manual.
l. Recording and Reporting Requirements. The following form is applicable and is to be completed in accordance
with DA PAM 738-751: DA Form 2408-13, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
m. Repairs. Inspect the boot after each flight.
(1) Bubbles. Air bubbles less than two inches in diameter can be repaired by making a small incision at the aft
edge of the bubble and injecting the unbonded area with a syringe and additional TASK L-100 polyurethane coating.
(2) Debonded Edges. Debonded edges of any size occurring during installation can be repaired by forcing a
small amount of TASK L-100 polyurethane coating under the edge with a paint brush or syringe and pressing the
debonded area flat. Excess TASK L-100 coating should be wiped off with cheesecloth from the repair area to restore
airfoil shape. However, if the edges debonded during flight, edges of any size that have not torn away from the original
boot shape must be rebonded by utilizing the boot installation, cleaning, and bonding procedures.
(3) Peeling and Tattering. If loose material that has tom away from the original boot shape and the area is less
than thirty-six square inches on the trailing edge area or fifteen square inches on the leading edge are, then it should
simply be trimmed off with a sharp knife and the missing or worn boot areas re-coated with TASK L-100 until the new
coating reaches the level of the boot in the immediate vicinity. It is not necessary to re-coat area until enough wear area
is present (2" square area) to justify a coating cure cycle of six of more hours.