TM 1-1500-204-23-1
c. Cleaning.
Cleaning of oxygen equipment will be
in accordance with the applicable manual for that piece
of oxygen equipment.
11-18. Signaling Devices.
Signaling devices are
flares, whistles, reflections from shining surfaces (mir-
rors, plexiglass from doors or windows etc.), smoke,
radios, sea dye, cloth, vegetation, and rocks. The use of
these items are found in FM 21-76 Survival Manual or
AFM 64-5 Survival Manual or the applicable survival
radio TM/TO. Caution must be used with flares and fire
signals. Table 11-7 gives references for signaling
a. Inspection. Inspection will be accomplished in
accordance with the applicable TM/TO/NAVAIR.
b. Repair. Repairs, if any, will be accomplished in
accordance with the applicable TM/TO/NAVAIR.
c. Cleaning.
Cleaning will be accomplished in
accordance with the applicable TM/TO/NAVAIR.
11-19. First Aid Kits.
This section establishes the
responsibility and procedures for installation and inspec-
tion, and furnishes information regarding source of sup-
ply of approved First Aid Kit, General Purpose, Panel
Mounted, NSN 6545-00-919-6650, for aircraft. This kit
provides first aid essentials for use by flight crews and
passengers sustaining injuries due to combat, accident,
malfunctioning of equipment, or survival conditions.
This publication will be used as authority to
identify and inspect first aid kits for Army air-
craft. Other references in this chapter are
used only for purposes specified.
a. Basis of Issue .
The property book officer for
authorized activities will submit requests for first aid kits
to the supporting medical supply officer, based on one
per crew compartment in Army aircraft; and one for each
five passenger seats/capacity or fraction thereof.
aircraft combined with the inability of securing and instal-
ling required kits prior to flight shall warrant placing the
aircraft in a limited (one kit in crew compartment and one
kit for each five passenger seats installed or fraction
thereof) operable status, IAW DA PAM 738-751. Kits will
be installed in aircraft locations indicated in the applica-
ble aircraft maintenance technical manual. When the
required quantity of first aid kits, for troop transport mis-
sion(s) is in excess of the provisions for installation of the
kits, the additional kits will be carried on board as loose
equipment. Upon completion of mission(s), the addi-
tional first aid kit(s) will be removed and turned in.
c. Identification.
There are two configurations of
authorized first aid kits, with identical NSN part numbers
for use on aircraft. The older design as shown in figure
11-1 is marked with a red cross, and the words First Aid
Kit, Airplane, appear on the outer fabric case. It has a
side pocket compartment. The newer configuration as
shown in figure 11-2 is marked with a red cross and the
words First Aid Kit, General Purpose, appear on the outer
fabric case. The older design kit will be used until stocks
are depleted and the kit is no longer serviceable. Original
markings will not be changed for standardization pur-
poses. See TM 55-1500-345-23 in the event that the
markings on kits must be restored.
d. Protection of Contents.
The first aid kit will be
closed and sealed when carried in aircraft. Serviceable
kits will always be tagged with a DD Form 1574 (Service-
able Tag-Materiel) as shown in figure 11-3, properly com-
pleted and attached. This will be the responsibility of
designated personnel.
This seal will be broken on installed first aid
kits only when the contents are to be used for
first aid treatment of an injury. When the seal
has been broken, it will be annotated on DA
Form 2408-13-1/DA Form 2408-13-1-E (Air-
craft Inspection and Maintenance Record).
e. Controlled Substances.
All narcotics and non-
b. First Aid Kit Installation.
Maintenance personnel
narcotic controlled substances have been deleted from
will insure that serviceable first aid kits are installed in
this medical kit. Controlled substances are normally not
aircraft, as specified in the applicable -10 manual. The
included in the medical kit. Amphetamines will not be
absence of required serviceable first aid kits from an
added to medical kits under any circumstances.
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