TM 1-1500-204-23-1
due, or when:
f. Inspection. Inspections of first aid kits by ALSE
medical personnel, or other certified personnel are
described in the following paragraphs.
Inspection by ALSE, medical or other certi-
fied personnel.
First aid kits will be inspected for ser-
viceability and completeness upon receipt. Inspecting
personnel will annotate the DD Form 1574 with the date
of the shortest expiration dated item contained in the kit.
This date will be used to schedule the next inspection
Suspension of the kit, or an item within the kit, is
announced by the supporting medical supply offi-
cer, the US Army Medical Materiel Agency, or the
Medical Supply Bulletin (SB 8-75 SERIES).
The kit is turned in by using activities. Using activi-
ties will ensure that the kit is removed for inspection
and quality assurance prior to the next inspection
due/overage date or immediately upon receiving
notice from the supporting medical supply officer of
an applicable item suspension. Personnel may be
medical, ALSE, Tls or safety personnel as autho-
rized in writing by the unit commander.
(a) Inspection procedures. ALSE medical
or certified personnel shall accomplish the following
inspection procedures:
g Ensure that component items of
first aid kit that are deleted through normal supply actions
1 Ensure kit is properly marked using the
are replaced or withdrawn from the kit. It is not necessary
appropriate material condition tags and labels listed in
to recall the kit in use to effect replacement of deleted
paragraph 5-3.
items unless otherwise specified.
2 Replace all expiration dated items with
less than 12 months shelf/service life whenever possible.
The NEXT INSPECTION DUE DATE annotated on the
serviceability tag will be that of the item that has the
shortest expiration date.
3 Ensure that the kit contains no Sched-
ule II controlled medical items unless a current MACOM
authorization is on file.
Using activities may use the inspection codes
identified in DLAM 4155.5, Quality Control,
Depot Serviceability Standards manual, for
additional assistance in the identification of
serviceable/non-serviceable medical mate-
rial contained in the first aid kit.
4 Ensure that contents of the kit are com-
plete and serviceable.
5 Ensure that items are inspected in
accordance with the following inspection tests.
(2) Inspection by maintenance personnel.
Installed First Aid Kit will be inspected by maintenance
personnel at the Preventive Maintenance Daily inspec-
tion as prescribed in the applicable aircraft Preventive
Maintenance Daily (PMD) inspection checklist.
a Replace bandages, dressings, and
compresses when there is evidence of mildew, mold, dry
rot, discoloration, or when instructions are illegible.
b Replace adhesive tape when the
adhesive mass separates from the backing fabric upon
unwinding (unwinding shall consist of not less than six
inches nor more than seven inches of length from the
starting end) or when the adhesive mass is not uniform.
c Replace petrolatum gauze when
there is evidence of separation or delamination of the
package material or evidence of petrolatum seepage.
d Replace
ampules when there is evidence of broken glass or the
container shows staining marks.
e Replace surgical razor blade when
there is evidence of rust, corrosion or pitting on the metal
surface of the blade.
f Ensure that a list of contents is
included in the kit. Local reproduction of the listing, Table
11-8 is authorized.
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