TM 1-1500-204-23-1
If a seal has been broken, and no kit is imme-
diately available, a circled red X status symbol
will be entered in block 16 and a statement
entered in Part I, Fault Information Section of
DA Form 2408-13-V DA Form 2408-13-1-E
(Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance
Record) restricting the aircraft to a specified
number of passengers until a serviceable kit
is installed. Kits on which seal has been bro-
ken will be turned in to designated ALSE per-
sonnel for a replacement kit.
When kit is due for an inspection or kit is con-
sidered unserviceable due to missing or illeg-
ible materiel condition tag, torn case, broken
seal, or (on older design) incomplete side
pocket contents, etc., inspector will remove
DD Form 1574 (Serviceable Tag-Materiel)
and retag kit with DD Form 1577-2 Unservice-
able (Repairable) Tag-Materiel, as shown in
figure 11-4.
g. Sealing.
The following paragraphs describe the
materials and procedures used to seal first aid kits.
( 1) Materials.
Requisition the following materi-
als through normal supply channels:
l Seal, lead, 3/8-inch-diameter, 1/8-inch-thick, with
5-1/2-inch 27 AWG single-crimped copper wire,
NSN 5340-00-391-4240.
l Flat-head pin, NSN 5315-00-989-7631.
l Seal, anti-pilferage, NSN 5340-00-779-3516
(alternate seal).
l Copper wire, NSN 5340-00-391-4240.
Figure 11-4. Unserviceable (Repairable) Tag-Materiel (DD Form 1577-2) (Green).
Change 2