Only one strand of 27 AWG is to be put
through the lead seal. Using more than
single strand of 27 AWG wire could make the
breaking of the seal more difficult and hinder
ready accessibility to the first aid compo-
Any slack in wire between lead seal and end
of pin is to be avoided; however, do not place
pin under such extreme tension that the pos-
sibility of accidental breakage is increased.
h. Replacement of Components. A kit will be con-
sidered unserviceable after the expiration date of the first
item that expires within the kit, or when the DD Form
1574 tag is missing, or the seal is missing. The kit will be
retagged with a DD Form 1577-2 tag and the inspector
will annotate in Reason for Repairable Condition block,
Inspection Due, per paragraph 11-19f or the applicable
aircraft maintenance manual. Kits requiring replacement
of items will be reconstituted by authorized unit ALSE/
Certified personnel in accordance with the list of items
contained inside each kit and with DOD Medical Catalog.
Replenishment items will be requested from the support-
ing medical supply officer.
i. First Aid Kit Components.
First aid kit items
required are listed in table 11-8 and references in table
j. Inspection Training Procedures.
Only those per-
sonnel medically trained (MOS 91B, C or 91Q) and quali-
fied, or ALSE school trained (with an ASI of Q2), may
certify and instruct other unit personnel in the inspection
of first aid kit, general purpose, panel mounted, aircraft.
ALSE personnel school trained, with an ASI of Q2, will
not be subject to retraining at the unit level. Only certified
ALSE, medical or other certified personnel will be
appointed on unit orders by the Commander, to perform
inspections on the first aid kit, general purpose aircraft.
(1) Training.
Training will consist of the follow-
ing using an aircraft first aid kit:
Using the instruction from paragraph f
for inspection procedures.
Using the instructions from paragraph f
and TB 740-10, Appendix M, for the replacement of time
expired components of the first aid kit.
TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Using the instructions from paragraph
g for the sealing and tagging of the kits.
(d) Describing what effects outdated or
contaminated components would have on an injured or
wounded person.
(2) Certification. Upon successfully completing
the course of instruction, will be noted on a memorandum
from the certifying individual to the unit commander con-
Under no circumstances will personnel, other
than ALSE qualified, authorized under the
guidance of this paragraph, maintain other
ALSE equipment including those first aid kits
in survival kits in accordance with AR 95-3.
11-20. Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Equip
Unit chemical personnel are supposed to sup-
port training and maintenance of all Nuclear, Biological,
and Chemical (NBC) equipment. If the ALSE technician
has been assigned this task, particularly the aircrew
members equipment, the ALSE technician should
become very proficient in the care, use, inspection, repair
or replacement of NBC equipment and train the aircrew-
members in the care and use of their NBC equipment.
NBC equipment consists basically of the following: a
breathing apparatus, mask with filters to eliminate air-
borne chemicals, protective clothing to protect the indi-
viduals from airborne chemicals, cooling apparatus to
cool the individuals body while wearing the protective
clothing, and warning devices to alert personnel of con-
tamination by chemicals of the air in the immediate vicin-
ity, or dangerous radiation levels in the area. Table 11-10
gives references for NBC equipment.
a. Inspection. Inspections will be accomplished in
accordance with the applicable TM, TO, NAVAIR for the
particular item involved.
b. Repair.
Repairs will be accomplished in accor-
dance with the applicable TM, TO, or NAVAIR for the item
at the authorized maintenance level.
c. Cleaning.
Cleaning will be accomplished in
accordance with the applicable TM, TO or NAVAIR for the
particular item needing to be cleaned.
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