TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Reactivate adhesives which have dried
with cyclohexanone,or equivalent, prior to
installation. Adhesive may be reactivated
as many as three times without damage to
adhesive capability. Adhesives which are
reactivated will be allowed to air-dry thor-
oughly before application.
3 Remove cellophane backing, but do
not touch adhesive,
Apply a few drops of aliphatic naphtha, Fed-
eral Specification TT-N-95, to the adhesive
when room temperature is below 72°F
Position decal in proper location, while
adhesive is still tacky, with only one edge contacting
prepared surface.
Work roller across decal with overlap-
ping strokes until all air bubbles are removed.
Drycleaning solvent is flammable and sol-
vent vapors are toxic. Use P-D-680, Type
II Solvent in a well-ventilated area. Keep
away from open flames. Avoid prolonged
solvent contact with skin.
4 Position one edge of decal onto pre-
pared receiving surface. On large foil sheet, place center
onto receiving surface and work outward from center to
5 Remove all air pockets by rolling firmly
with a rubber roller, and press all edges tightly against
receiving surface to ensure good adhesion.
(b) Removal.
Remove metal decals by
moistening edge of foil with aliphatic naphtha, Federal
Specification TT-N-95, and peeling decal from adhering
Remove vinyl film decals by plac-
ing, a cloth saturated with cyclohexanone, or methyle-
thylketone, ASTM D740, on decal and scraping film with
a micarta scraper. Remove remaining adhesive by wip-
ing with a cloth dampened with drycleaning solvent, Fed-
eral Specification P-D-680.
c. Metal Decals.
Metal decals come in three types:
cellophane-backing adhesive type, paperbacking adhe-
sive type, and no adhesive type. Application and removal
procedures for each type are explained in the following
(2) Paper-backing adhesive type. Application
and removal of paper-backing adhesive are explained in
the following paragraphs.
(a) Application.
Apply metal decals with
paper backing adhesive in accordance with the following
1 Remove paper backing from decal.
2 Apply very light coat of cyclohexanone,
or equivalent, to adhesive.
(1) Cellophane-backing adhesive type.
(a) Application.
Apply metal decals with
cellophane-backing adhesive in accordance with the fol-
Application and removal of cellophane-backing adhe-
lowing procedures:
sives are explained in the following paragraphs.
3 Position decal in proper location while
4 Work roller across decal with overlap-
ping strokes until all air bubbles are removed.
adhesive is still tacky with only one edge contacting pre-
pared surface.
1 Immerse decal in clean, warm water
for one to three minutes.
2 Remove from water and dry carefully
with a clean cloth.
(b) Removal.
Remove metal decals by
moistening edge of foil with aliphatic naphtha, Federal
Specification TT-N-95, and peeling decal from adhering
Change 2