TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Secondary lines. Filler, vent, and drain
lines will be identified by colors of the plumbing system
for which they function.
Location of bands. One band will be
located on each tube segment of 24 inches or less when
both ends of the segment are within the same
compartment. One band shall be located at each end of
tube segments longer than 24 inches. When the tube
segment passes through more than one compartment or
bulkhead, additional bands will be applied to the tube so
that a minimum of one band is visible in each
compartment or on each side of the bulkhead.
Tapes in engine compartment. Tapes
shall not be used on fluid lines in the engine compartment
where there is a possibility of the tape being drawn into
the engine intake. When tape cannot be employed,
suitable paints conforming to the color codes in table 6-1,
and having no injurious effect on the metal used for the
lines, shall be used for identification purposes. When
paints are used, the geometrical symbols may be omitted.
Warning symbol. Warning symbol
tapes, as shown in figure 6-1, shall be applied adjacent to
the identification tape on those lines containing fluids
considered to be dangerous to maintenance personnel.
Warning tapes shall be used when applicable on both
identifying systems. Warning tape shall be 3/8 inch wide.
Installation of Identification Tapes. Installation
of identification tape consists of the following procedures:
Drycleaning solvent is flammable
and solvent vapors are toxic. Use P-
D-680, Type II Solvent in a well-
ventilated area. Keep away from
solvent contact with skin.
The low flash point of solvents make
them a fire hazard, therefore, employ
Damage may otherwise result.
Clean areas to be banded with aliphatic
naphtha, Federal Specification TT-N-95, or drycleaning
solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680.
Coat exterior surfaces of metal tubing
when necessary, with epoxy primer, MIL-P-23377, prior to
application of tape.
Install tape not having clear acetate
covering by tightly wrapping 1 1/4 turns of tape around the
part being banded and press firmly to ensure adhesion.
Apply one coat of clear lacquer, Federal Specification TT-
L-32, over band and extend 1/4 inch beyond tape edges.
covering by tightly wrapping 1 1/4 turns of tape around the
part being marked and press firmly to ensure adhesion.