TM 1-1500-204-23-3
Table 2-5. Serviceable Limits (Self-Sealing Cells)
Cell Interior
Loose liner at throat of fitting.
Looseness of 1/2 inch in width around entire
circumference at throat of fitting.
Edge looseness at liner lap.
Acceptable up to 1/4 inch maximum width for
entire length of liner lap, provided 1-inch bond
is maintained.
Edge looseness on liner reinforcements
Maximum looseness of 1/2 inch provided loose
corner patches and chafing patches.
area does not exceed 15 percent of total area.
Blisters or separations other than in the edge
area allowable up to 15 percent of the total area.
Looseness under cemented components
Looseness of 15 percent of individual area pro-
such as attaching straps and baffle shoes.
vided 1/4-inch bond is maintained around edge.
Blisters between liner and fitting flanges.
Maximum diameter of 1/4 inch; maximum one per
lineal foot and two per fitting provided 1-inch
bond is maintained.
Damaged grommets in accessories.
Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.
Damaged coating on accessories (metal,
Acceptable provided rust, corrosion, or other
wood, or rubber).
deterioration is not present.
Checking due to weather, ozone, dry
Acceptable provided there is no indication of
cracking, or surface imperfections.
Blisters in linear laps.
Maximum diameter of 1/4 inch average one per
lineal foot of splice with a maximum of five in any
one 5-foot length of splices.
Channels in inner linear laps.
Maximum dimension of 1/8 inch by 3 inches with
a maximum of one in any 5 lineal feet of splice.
Channels around entire outer edge of
Maximum width of 1/4 inch.
fitting flange.
Channels at tapered construction stepoff
Maximum width of 1/4 inch for entire length of
area or edge of lap splices of ply.
Open and channels in three ply liner over-
Maximum dimension of 1/8 inch by 3 inches pro-
laps or tailored corners.
vided 1 inch minimum bond is maintained
between end of channel and sealant.