TM 1-1500-204-23-3
Table 2-5. Serviceable Limits (Self-Sealing Cells)-CONT
Damage of protective coating.
Corrosion or rust.
Not acceptable.
Sealing surface with groove:
Minor surface damage outside O-ring groove
other than rust, corrosion, or burrs.
Physical damage to O-ring groove.
Not acceptable.
Corrosion or rust.
Not acceptable.
Cement or other foreign matter in O-ring
Not acceptable.
Bent or broken fittings.
Not acceptable.
Thread damaged fittings.
Acceptable when serviceability is not affected.
Table 2-6. Serviceable Limits (Bladder-Type Cells)
Cell Interior
Loose liner at throat of fitting.
Looseness of 1/2 inch in width around entire
circumference at throat of fitting.
Loose liner lap.
Maximum edge width looseness of 1/4-inch
liner lap and full length of lap provided 1-inch
bond is maintained.
Edge looseness on liner reinforcement and
Maximum allowable looseness of 1/2 inch
chafing patches.
provided this looseness does not exceed 15
percent of total area: Blisters or separations
other than in edge area allowable up to 15
percent of total area.
Looseness of cemented internal support
Acceptable up to 15 percent of component
components such as attaching straps, baffle
area provided 1/4-inch bond is maintained
supports, and such.
around edge.
Blisters between fitting flange and adjacent
Maximum dimension of 1/4 inch; maximum one
per fitting provided 1-inch bond is maintained.