TM 1-1500-204-23-3
Table 2-6. Serviceable Limits (Bladder-Type Cells)-CONT
Cell Interior-continued
Damaged grommets in accessories.
Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.
Damaged coating on accessories (metal,
Acceptable provided no rust, corrosion or
wood, or rubber).
deterioration is apparent.
Weather checking or minor surface imper-
Acceptable provided serviceability is not
fections in liner ply and reinforcements.
Blisters between liner laps.
Maximum dimension of 1/4 inch; average one
per 5 lineal feet of splice with a maximum of five
in any one 5-foot length of splice.
Blisters between plies (in coil panels).
Maximum dimension of 1/4 inch; minimum 6-inch
bonds between blisters and no more than one
per square foot of cell area.
Channels in liner laps.
Maximum dimensions of 1/8 inch by 3 inches with
a maximum of one in any 5 lineal feet of lap.
Channels around entire outer edge of
Maximum width of 1/8 inch around entire fitting
fitting flange.
Buffing through inner liner.
Not acceptable.
Cell Exterior
Exposed fabric.
Acceptable if fabric is not damaged.
Delamination between pies.
Maximum dimension of 1-inch; average of one
per 5 square feet of area with a maximum of five
in any one 5 square feet of area; minimum 5-inch
solid bond between delaminations.
Cuts or holes in inner liners.
Not acceptable.
Skim coat blisters.
Lap splice edge looseness.
Maximum dimension of 1/4 inch by 3 inches pro-
vided there are no more than one per lineal foot.
Loose or damaged hanger straps or
Acceptable up to 15 percent of component area
hanger attaching points.
provided 1/4-inch solid bond is maintained
around edge.
Skim coat off outer ply.
Acceptable provided cords or fabrics are not
out or broken.