TM 1-1500-204-23-9
7-12 Change 4
7-17. Safety Cable Application Tools.
Pre-Set Tension Tool. (Figure 7-23.) Insert the
free end of the cable into the cable entrance and continue
to push the cable into the cavity. When the free end of the
cable appears at the bottom of the tool, grip the cable and
pull the slack from the cable by repeatedly closing the
tool handle allowing the handle to open fully before clos-
ing again. When all slack is removed from the cable, snug
the tool against the fastener by using several short
strokes of the handle. Release the handle to the full open
position and fully close the handle to crimp securely and
cut flush.
It is important on this final stroke to
hold the tool as steady and perpen-
dicular to the cable as possible while
completing a full stroke. This
assures consistent tensioning of the
Figure 7-23. Pre-Set Tension Safety
Cable Application Tool
Adjustable Tension Tool. (Figure 7-24.)
Thread the safety cable through the fastener, ferrule, and
tool nose in the same way as with other models. Wrap the
cable one full revolution (clockwise) around the tension
wheel, and with slight pressure applied by pulling the
cable, secure the cable into the slot. Rotate the tension
knob until several clicks are heard and felt. If additional
tension is required, adjustment can be made with the
tension adjuster on the opposite side of the tool.
Do not over tighten safety cable. It is
a good practice to find a tension set-
ting, which removes the slack from the
cable, (in order to meet the flex limit
requirement) without overstressing
the safety cable components.
Completely close the handles to crimp and
cut the cable. Hold the tool steady and perpendicular to
the cable to maintain constant cable tension. Release the
handle and remove the tool from the crimped ferrule.
Remove the excess cable segment from the tool prior to
the next application. If it is more convenient to use the
adjustable tension tool with the tension wheel on the
opposite side, you may remove the retaining ring located
on the opposite side from the tension wheel, slide the
tension wheel assembly out of the tool body, reinsert it
from the opposite direction, and replace the retaining
ring. The tension wheel is now located on the opposite
side of the tool.
When using a hand tool, the tool
handles are to remain fully open
during the cable entry process (in
both tool models).
Figure 7-24. Adjustable Tension Safety
Cable Tool