NAVAIR 01-1A-505-2
005 02
TO 00-25-255-1
Page 29
TM 1-1500-323-24-2
40. CONTACTS. Contact for Class: L are fixed,
polarization and engagement of shells, engagement of
removable, non-removable and solder-able. Refer to
coupling threads, engagement of contacts. The
Table 3 for detailed contact information. Class L Pin
uncoupling sequence is in the reverse order.
and Socket Contacts are capable of being readily
inserted into the connectors after they have been
attached to their respective conductors. Contacts can
Connection occurs in the following sequence:
also be removed from the connectors using removal
Polarization and engagement of the mating shells;
tools MIL-I-81969/27 (Table 7). The inserts may be
engagement of the grounding and neutral contacts;
removed from their shell to allow the removal of the
.019 inch (.483 mm) minimum effective engagement
of the phase contacts; and engagement of the coupling
threads. The uncoupling sequence is in reverse order.
socket contacts, sizes 1/0, 4, and 8 may be designed so
that they can be readily removed from their inserts for
receptacle is accomplished by five integral keys on the
soldering to their conductors and readily assembled
male connector and matching keyways on the female
after the soldered connection has been made. Contacts,
connector and is designed so that it cannot possibly
sizes 12 and 16, shall be rigidly mounted in their
interfere with the functioning of the coupling threads.
inserts. Inserts containing non-removable contacts
The integral keys and keyways render the mating of
shall not be subject to damage by soldering under an
the plug and receptacle in more than one position
acceptable soldering process.
impossible. The mating keys and keyways are
rectangular in cross section.
42. CONTACT BUSHINGS. Install contact bushings
when required for the particular insert arrangement
48. SCREW THREADS. Coupling threads of
(as specified in section 70 of the appendix to
MIL-DTL-22992). Applicable contact bushings
are: 1P- 2L-DS or 1428P- .2857L-DS, class 2A or 2B of
conforming to SAE-AS33481 are supplied with the
MIL-STD-1373, commonly referred to as Acme type
contacts. Refer to Table 3 for detailed contact bushing
49. LUBRICATION. All class 2B threads shall be coated
with a lubricant conforming to MIL-PRF-23827.
is intended that the wire attached to each connector
contact should be of the AWG size (or smaller
50. CONNECTOR GROUNDING. Class L grounding
diameter), corresponding to the contact size number.
connectors have all the system grounding contacts
For example, it is intended that an AWG size 12 wire
electrically connected to their shells without interfering
be soldered to at least a size 12 contact; and an AWG
with proper engagement or performance of the
size 6 wire should be soldered or crimped if applicable
connectors. All shells and associated hardware of
to a size 4 or size 6 contact. SAE-AS33481 contact
grounding assemblies shall be of the conductive (C)
bushings should be used with class L contacts if the
finish, and only key (or keyway) positions 4, 5, or 6 as
wire AWG is smaller than the wire barrel size. Refer
applicable, shall be used. All shells and hardware of
to Table 3 for detailed contact bushing information.
non-grounding assemblies shall have a nonconductive
(N) finish.
44. COUPLING CONNECTION. Plugs are connected
or coupled to their mating receptacle by means of
51. SAFETY DESIGN. The Class L connectors are
coupling rings. All coupling rings are knurled or
rating, voltage, frequency (Hz), phase, and grounding
requirements. This prevents mating with a connector
of incompatible power characteristics. These
connection is designed so that the pin and socket
connectors are designed in the sizes based on current
contacts will fully engage or disengage as the ring is
rating as shown in Table 5. They are also designed for
respectively tightened or loosened. The coupling ring
use in the voltage, phase, wire, and frequency
shall jack against the adapter during connector un-
mating. Coupling shall occur in the following sequence