NAVAIR 01-1A-505-2
008 02
TO 00-25-255-1
Page 23
TM 1-1500-323-24-2
78. INSERT ARRANGEMENT. The insert arrangement
is number and size of contacts available by shell size
(Table 1). Insert arrangements are specified in
79. I N S E R T C O N F I G U R A T I O N . T h e i n s e r t
configuration is the manner in which contacts are
placed within insert in a standard configuration. All
arrangements identified in Table 1 are illustrated
(Figure 6).
80. CONTACTS. Contacts are designed to prevent
damage to contact retention device or sealing member
during insertion or removal of contacts.
81. Fixed Contacts. Contacts in hermetically sealed or
and solderable, or feed through.
Figure 11. MIL-C-26482 Series 2 Design Features
82. Crimp Removable Contacts. Crimp removable
70. Contact Retaining Clip. The retaining clip is
contacts may be used with all environment resisting
completely encased in a tough plastic wafer to protect
classes of connectors.
clip from damage.
83. Contact Availability. Crimp contacts are supplied
71. Moisture Sealing. Complete sealing is achieved by
with each connector unit package and consist of a full
combining four seals, shell, peripheral, interfacial, and
complement plus one spare per size for connectors of
wire seal.
26 contacts or less. Connectors with more than 26
contacts will have two spares of each size used. Contacts
72. Shell Seal. This is effected when the plug shell
may also be ordered in individual quantities when
pushes against the sealing ring in the receptacle when
the connectors are mated.
84. Installation and Removal Tools. The proper
73. Peripheral Seal. This seal is around the edge of the
installation and removal tools must be used to assemble
pin insulator and designed so that when mating the
or disassemble connector. The connector when ordered
connector, tension is put on the seal and greatly reduces
as a unit package will include one MIL-I-81969/17 tool.
compression set.
85. CONTACT APPLICATION. Contacts used are
74. Interfacial Seal. This seal is achieved by the insulator
manufactured in accordance with AS39029. The contact
faces meeting when the plug and receptacle are mated.
part number breakdown is illustrated (Figure 12). The
Basic Identification Number (BIN) or last three digits
75. Wire Seal. This seal is accomplished by a multiple
of contact part number, matches the standard resistor
ripple design, exceeding the wire sealing requirements
color code (Figure 13).
of MIL-C-26482.
86. POWER CONTACTS. Power contacts are used to
76. Insert Retention. Insert retention is accomplished
connect single conductor wire through connectors.
by a bard plastic wafer firmly locked into a groove in
The power contacts range from size 12 through 20 and
shell and a strong adhesive bond between insert and
are of crimp, rear release design. Contacts are listed by
size. Match the required size to connector application,
77. Keying. Keying is used in shell-enclosed connectors
part numbers are listed along with corresponding color
bands (Table 4).
when mating a connector (Figure 5).