NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
007 02
1 September 2011
Page 4
1). If not within specified limit, use Insulating
Sleeving, SAE-AMS-I-23053 to build outside
diameter to minimum dimension or if the wire
Nickel plated parts are not for Navy, Air
exceeds maximum contact responsible engineering
Force, or new design use.
authority to provide alternate wire, contact, or insert.
b. Class 2: -85F (-65C) to +392F (+200C),
Material: Aluminum, Electroless Nickel plated.
10. Series 1 connectors are front release, crimp pin,
6. Shell Designation. The shell designation shall
or socket contacts, environment resistant, class 1 or 2
consist of a letter in accordance with the following:
and are single or double inserts.
a. A - A connector having a shell configuration
to accommodate a keystone insert.
grommets of environment resisting connectors are
designed to accept sealing plugs in accordance with
b. B - A connector having a shell configuration
MS27488 to be used where unwired contacts are
to accommodate a rectangular insert.
placed. For sealing plug information refer to
NAVAIR 01-1A-505-1, WP 023 00. The connector,
7. Series Designation. The series designation shall
when ordered as a unit, will have sealing plugs
consist of a one digit number in accordance with the
enclosed so as to equal 15 percent of the number or
contacts but not less than one.
Series 1 Front Release Contacts
12. SHELL. Shells, including mounting flanges, are
of one-piece construction and designed to retain their
Series 2 Rear Release Contacts
inserts in one position by a mechanical means.
13. COUPLING. Connectors shall be capable of
being fully coupled and uncoupled without use of
Series 1 Specification Sheets have been
canceled without replacement with the
exception of "/9". The other / numbers have
been retained for reference purposes only. If
plug and receptacle shall he accomplished by means
complete replacement is required, contact
of mating keys on the plug shell and keyways on the
responsible engineering authority.
prior to contact engagement.
For identification of canceled specifications
in this work package a "$" sign will be
15. PART NUMBER. The following paragraphs
placed in front of the canceled specification
contain information necessary for proper selection
sheet number.
and procurement of connector (Figure 1).
8. WIRE SEALING. Wire sealing is accomplished
16. Military Specification. The military specification
by the use of grommet seal which is designed to seal
denotes military standard.
against outside diameter of inserted wire. The outer
diameter shall be within applicable size range (Table