NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
007 02
1 September 2011
Page 26
Insertion Tool
Contact Retaining Clip
Figure 15. Contact Removal
Figure 14. Contact Insertion
77. Sealing Plugs. Seal connector in accordance with
following procedure:
Metal tool tips are sharp and can cause injury
to personnel and/or damage to connectors.
a. Fill all unused cavities with uncrimped
contacts (paragraph 87).
b. Insert sealing plug, large diameter end first,
until bottomed in contact cavity. Do not insert further
Present metal tooling in some instances has
than knob. Fill all cavities that have uncrimped
damaged the wire sealing grommet at the end
contacts. For grommet sealing plug selection refer to
of the connectors.
NAVAIR 01-1A-505-1, WP 023 00.
Caution should be exercised in the use of
90. Moisture Barrier. For connector sealing
tooling. Inspect tips of metal tools for
procedures, including application of sealant to
distortion of probe before use as connector
grommet sealed connectors, refer to NAVAIR 0l-lA-
damage can occur.
505-1, WP 025 00.
d. Holding removal tool at right angle to front
91. CONTACT REMOVAL. The following
insert face, push tool straight toward rear of connector,
paragraphs give contact removal for front and rear
firmly pressing tool to positive stop when tool bottoms
release crimp contacts.
in insert, cavity.
92. Crimp Front Release Contacts. Remove wired,
e. Maintain pressure on tool handle and slide
unwired, and broken wire contacts in accordance with
collar of tool forward until it stops. Contact will be
following procedure:
partially ejected from rear of connector insert.
Select correct removal tool (Table 5 or 8).
f. Remove tool by pulling straight back to clear
connector insert face. Remove contact out the rear of
b. If contact is unwired, remove sealing plug
connector by pulling lightly on wire or using a mating
from cavity of contact to be removed.
contact to push out released contact.
c. Working from the front (mating end) of
connector, slide hollow end of removal tool over
93. Crimp Rear Release Contact. Remove wired,
contact (Figure 15).
unwired, and broken wire contacts in accordance with
the following paragraphs.