NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
007 02
1 September 2011
Page 30
Rotating removal tool works splayed wire
strands into slot of tool, allowing tool to pass.
Wire strands may be encountered at any point
up to 5/16 inch of tool insertion. It is
Removal tool may be blocked at rear of
important not to jam any strands of wire up to
contact by plastic insert or additional strands
this point.
of broken wire.
Withdraw removal tool anytime during
insertion when it cannot be advanced into
reaches back end of contact, withdraw tool slightly,
connector using these procedures. Inspect tool
rotate about l/6 of a turn, and reinsert tool. Repeat
tip for nicks, cracks, mushrooming, and other
rotating and insertion procedure until tool passes with
damage that will prevent functioning. Replace
minimum additional force to 5/16 inch depth back end
removal tool and repeat procedure, if
of contact (Figure 23).
e. Wiggle removal tool gently to help it into
insert bore and over back of contact. Additional
rotation may be required if broken strands are
Refer to Figure 22 for approximate
dimensions of a size 22 contact and cavity.
The dimensions in this procedure are based on
f. Continue insertion of removal tool until
a size 22 contact.
positive stop is felt at about l/2 inch depth.
1/2 Inch
3/8 Inch
5/16 Inch
1/8 Inch
Rear Insert
Contact Wire Barrel
Figure 23. Unlocking Contact Retention
Figure 22. Typical Connector Dimensions
Mechanism of Broken Contact
g. Exert axial pressure on engaging end of
c. Gently insert removal tool into cavity in about
contact, using appropriate pin or socket as pusher. If
l/16 inch units, releasing tool after each unit if
contact does not move, seat removal tool more firmly.