NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-30
13 02
1 September 2011
Page 18
d. Construct a reflector shield from aluminum
tape or foil and position behind the tab to be repaired
and in front of all other tabs as shown in detail C.
41. MTC Wire Removal Procedures.
Extreme care shall be exercised when using a
heat producing device. Failure to observe this
warning may cause injury to personnel and
including battery power, are de-energized
damage to equipment.
and applicable circuit breakers are open to
prevent severe shock or death to personnel.
e. Using an approved hot air heater (NAVAIR
01-1A-505-1, WP 012 00), direct hot air at the solder
joint only. When the solder melts, pull the wire
straight off with tweezers, detail D.
f. Heat the solder tab. Use tweezers to remove
To remove or install MTC, alternately turn
any remaining sleeve material.
screws a little at both sides to release
connector evenly and prevent damage to
42. MTC Wire Connection Procedures. To connect
connectors, wires, and cables.
wire to MTC, follow these procedures.
Insure that pins are straight before inserting a
plug into a receptacle; forcing the plug to
engage at even a minimum angle could result
in damage to pins.
To prevent electrostatic discharge damage to
sensitive electronic components when
To prevent damage from the effects of normal
working on installed harnesses, the static
aircraft vibration, all cable supports removed
grounding bus shall be used whenever any
during repair shall be reinstalled.
solder sleeve terminators are installed, either
on the wafer or anywhere on the wires.
Connectors normally will be torqued to 6-10
inch-pounds. Do not force or over-torque
To remove or install MTC, alternately turn
connectors. Damage could result to pins or
screws a little at both sides to release
connectors. To remove wire from MTC,
connector evenly and prevent damage to
follow these procedures.
connectors, wires, and cables.
a. After removing strain relief bar, insert wafer
Insure that pins are straight before inserting a
extraction tool into rear of connector and gently pull
plug into a receptacle; forcing the plug to
the wiring harness to release the wafer from the shell
engage at even a minimum angle could result
(Figure 5, details A and B).
in damage to pins.
b. Clamp the appropriate wafer holding fixture
To prevent damage from the effects of normal
in a convenient position and insert wafer into holding
aircraft vibration, all wiring harness supports
fixture, detail C.
removed during repair shall be reinstalled.
c. Score the solder sleeve terminator on the wire
Connectors normally will be torqued to 6-10
to be removed lengthwise. Do not completely cut
inch-pounds. Do not force or over-torque
through the sleeve, detail D.
connectors. Damage could result to pins or