NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-30
13 02
1 September 2011
Page 19
a. Clamp appropriate wafer into wafer retainer
g. Using an approved heater, direct hot air at the
(Figure 11, detail A or B).
solder until it melts and flows, detail D.
Strip wire to be terminated as shown in detail
h. When installing clamp or restraining bar,
apply thread-locking compound, MIL-S-46163A,
grade J, to captive screws prior to installation.
c. Install a connector sealing insert as shown in
detail D. When terminating shielded cable, first install
shield termination sleeve and then install conductor
termination sleeve, detail G.
Allow solder to cool before disturbing.
d. Slide a solder sleeve termination over wire to
i. Shielded wire shields are soldered to the
be connected with the preinstalled seal ring located
shield bus bar, detail G.
away from the wafer, detail D.
j. Remove reflector shield and verify the
e. Position the stripped wire end as shown and
following conditions as shown in detail F. Also, see
slide solder sleeve termination to contact wafer body,
Table 2 and Table 3 for corrective action.
detail D.
k. Insert wafer in rear of MTC shell, observing
f. Construct a reflector shield from aluminum
proper keying, detail J.
tape or foil and position behind the tab being
connected and in front of all other tabs, detail E.
Table 2. Correction of Unacceptable Solder Conditions
NOTE Isolate terminal with foil before reheating.
End of wire not in cupped area of the wafer terminal
Reheat and pull wire strands into the cupped area
Conductor end or strands can be seen along the side of
Reheat and pull wire strands into the cupped area of the
the terminal from the backside of the wafer
Conductor not overlapping the terminal at least 0.080
Reheat and push wire farther onto terminal
Conductor overlapping terminal beyond the cupped area
Reheat and pull wire back into the cupped area
Sealing inserts not melted or sleeving not shrunk
Reheat until inserts melted and sleeving fully shrunk
Reheat and push wire farther into sleeving unless this
would cause the wire strands to extend past the cupped
Sleeving overlapping insulation less than 0.040 inch
area of the terminal. Otherwise, remove the sleeving,
re-strip the wire, and re-solder with a new solder sleeve
Sleeving farther from wafer body than 0.040 inch
Remove sleeve and re-solder with a new solder sleeve
Solder ring discernible
Solder fillet not discernible
Replace the solder sleeve
Sleeving too brown to see joint
Replace the solder sleeve
Replace the solder sleeve. Smooth or re-strip wire
Wire strands penetrating or protruding into the sleeving