TM l-1500-328-23
(1) Mission essential aircraft will be programmed for depot
repair under the OCM concept based on the aircraft condition profile
index as designated by AMCOM (AMSAM-MMC-VS-EC).
(2) Chief of Reserve Components (CORC), National Guard and
Reserve Forces budget for their own programmed maintenance depot
Transportation costs will be at the expense of the
National Guard and Reserve Forces. Aircraft scheduled for depot
repair by the National Maintenance Point (NMP) will be processed on a
reimbursable basis.
Combat Operations.
(1) Mission essential aircraft will be programmed for depot
repair in accordance with the criteria established in Table 7-1.
(2) Mandatory aircraft operating time between depot level repair
will not be exceeded.
DA DCSLOG must approve any request for
extension of this time.
Depot repair of Army aircraft will be accomplished when
directed by higher authority to meet transfer agreements (Grant Aid,
Military Sales).
Depot repair of aircraft will be accomplished when directed by
Aircraft requiring depot maintenance as a result of
crash/battle damage, deterioration, or maintenance that is beyond the
capacity or capability of
units, will be reported per TB
Repair allocated below depot level by the MAC will be
processed as reimbursable on a repair and return to user basis.
Accountability of Aircraft.
(1) AMCOM will assume accountability of all in-transit aircraft
directed into storage at a Depot Repair Facility (AR 710-2).
(2) Formal accountability will be transferred to AMCOM on all
aircraft requiring 30 or more day's maintenance or storage at a depot
facility (AR 710-2).
(3) Accountability will not be transferred on an aircraft
directed into depot maintenance for repair and return to user
requiring less than 30 days to repair.
(4) All aircraft assigned to a depot facility will be reported
monthly on DA Form 1352 (Army Aircraft Inventory Status and Flying
Time) per AR 700-138 (Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability).
f. AMCOM will provide a fund citation to cover cost of
transportation for Army aircraft to be input to depot level repair or
crash damage repair, with the exception that National Guard and Army