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For the purpose of this section, the following
definitions apply:
a. On Condition Maintenance (OCM). A concept for selecting
aircraft for input to depot maintenance based on a technical
evaluation of designated key points of the aircraft to measure the
b. Airframe Condition Evaluation (ACE). The results of an annual
evaluation of a specific aircraft, by a specially trained inspection
team, per AMCOM Pamphlet
Joint Airframe Condition Evaluation (JACE). Annual evaluation
UH-60 series airframe per TB l-1520-237-25-2.
d. Profile Index (PI). The profile index, of an aircraft, is the
summation of the weighted factors assigned to each condition found
and is a relative measure of airframe, structural distress or
Depot Maintenance Overhaul (DMO). A maintenance action, with
the objective of restoring an aircraft to a fully serviceable
condition per the requirements of the appropriate Depot Maintenance
Work Requirement (DMWR).
f. Depot Maintenance Level Repair (DMLR). A depot maintenance
action that corrects a specific fault or deficiency.
Un-programmed Depot Maintenance (UDM). Repairs that may occur
between scheduled depot maintenance due to the repair being allocated
to depot level in the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) or it is
required maintenance which cannot be accomplished by the supporting
units due to capacity or capability.
h. Standards of Serviceability (SOS). Wear limits, fits,
tolerances and specifications contained in aircraft, component, or
that are used to determine the
condition of an aircraft or component, and used to determine the
maintenance required to assure a high degree of serviceability,
availability and safety.
Non-combat Operations: