MACOMs that own the
Reserve activities provide their own funding.
aircraft will provide funds to cover cost of transportation for
aircraft input on a repair and return to user basis.
Aircraft input to depot maintenance will be delivered to the
designated facility completely intact, unless otherwise authorized in
writing by the National Inventory Control Point (NICP), to include:
(1) All equipment, un-installed or installed, listed on DA Form
Documentation is required for
Un-installed property must be properly packaged
all missing items.
to prevent damage, and stowed in or attached to the aircraft to
ensure safe arrival.
(2) All Modification Work Order (MWO) kits on hand to support
(3) All forms and records required by DA Pamphlet 738-751.
h . Maintenance functions scheduled and unscheduled, authorized
below Depot level, will be accomplished by field units with available
resources and will not be deferred for accomplishment with the depot
Deferring maintenance is a large contributor to
repair program.
MACOMs may recommend aircraft for accelerated input to
programmed depot maintenance based on condition of aircraft
In these cases, the
established by a thorough technical inspection.
aircraft will be reported in the same format as a request for
disposition instructions per TB 43-0002-3.
Programmed Depot Maintenance of Army Aircraft.
Non-combat Theaters of Operations:
(1) OCM concept for aircraft depot repair candidates is used in
place of using accumulated flying hours or calendar time.
(2) ACE guides are established for each aircraft within a
mission, type, design and series.
(3) A profile threshold is established by AMCOM. Aircraft
meeting or exceeding the established threshold are candidates for
programmed depot maintenance. Analysis of ACE data enables AMCOM to
call aircraft into depot maintenance by serial number on a "worst
case basis".
(4) MACOMs will be provided the Department of the Army approved
retrograde schedule of aircraft requiring programmed depot
maintenance for the ensuing fiscal year by mission, type, design,
series and serial number. The induction schedule will be finalized
60 days prior to the start of each quarter.