TM 1-1510-253-CL
tion gives sufficient pressure (500 to
800 psi) to ensure gear security in ad-
dition to mechanical down locks.
If manual extension is used because of
failure in landing gear electrical con-
trol system, hydraulic pressure gauge
will continue to indicate approximately
2,000 psi system pressure. In this case,
pressure to gear down actuators can
be detected only by effort required to
move emergency hand pump.
If failure at bottom of hydraulic pack
allows depletion of all hydraulic fluid,
emergency hand pump will not provide
pressure. Nevertheless, step 3 above
will allow landing gear to free fall to
safe, down and locked position.
Hydraulic pressure to nose wheel steer-
ing system will not be available follow-
ing landing gear emergency extension
required by either hydraulic failures or
gear position selector valve electrical
failures. Do not arm nose wheel steer-
8. If gear does not extend:
Rotate Forward
b. HAND PUMP VALVE Handle --
Rotate Aft
c. LANDING GEAR Handle -- UP