TM 1-1510-262-10
The low fuel annunciators are level-sensing volumetric devices and are not compensated for fuel
density, attitude, fuel low, etc.
The fuel gaging system is protected by individual 5-ampere circuit breakers placarded QTY IND and FUEL QTY
is installed in each auxiliary fuel tank to provide an indication of fuel level when servicing the tank. The gauge is
installed on the auxiliary fuel tank cover, adjacent to the iller neck. A small sight window in the upper wing skin
permits observation of the gauge.
e. Fuel Management Panel. The fuel management panel is located in the cockpit overhead between the pilot
and copilot. It contains the fuel gauges, standby fuel pump switches, crossfeed valve switch, fuel gauging system
control switch, and transfer control switches.
(1) Fuel gaging system control switch. A switch on the fuel management panel (Fig. 2-25) placarded
FUEL QUANTITY , MAIN AUXILIARY , controls the fuel gaging system. When in the MAIN position the fuel
gauges read the total fuel quantity in the left and right wing fuel system. When in the AUXILIARY position the fuel
gauges read the fuel quantity in the left and right auxiliary tanks only.
(2) Standby fuel pump switches. Two switches, placarded STANDBY PUMP ON , located in the fuel
management panel (Fig. 2-25), individually control a submerged fuel pump located in the corresponding nacelle
tank. During normal aircraft operation, both switches should be OFF , so long as the engine-driven fuel pumps are
Both standby pump switches shall be off during crossfeed operation. The loss of fuel pressure due
to failure of an engine driven boost pump, will illuminate the MASTER WARNING annunciators on
the glareshield, and will illuminate the respective #1 FUEL PRESS or #2 FUEL PRESS annunciator
on the warning annunciator panel. Turning on the STANDBY PUMP will extinguish the FUEL PRESS
annunciator. The MASTER WARNING annunciators must be manually reset.
(3) Fuel transfer control switches. Two switches on the fuel management panel (Fig. 2-25), placarded
AUX XFER OVRD AUTO individually controls operation of the fuel transfer pumps. During normal operation,
both switches are in AUTO , which allows the system to be automatically actuated by fuel low to the engine. If
either transfer system fails to operate, the fault condition is indicated by the MASTER CAUTION annunciators on
the glareshield and a steadily illuminated amber #1 NO FUEL XFR or #2 NO FUEL XFR annunciator on the caution
annunciator panel.