TM 1-1510-262-10
To compensate for loss of aircraft cylinder pressure as the oxygen cools to ambient temperature after
recharging, the cylinder should be charged initially to approximately 10% over prescribed pressure.
Experience will determine what initial pressure should be used to compensate for the subsequent
pressure loss upon cooling. A complete recharge will create substantial heating.
Disconnect oxygen hose from oxygen servicing unit and iller valve.
Install protective cap on oxygen iller valve.
Install oxygen access door.
Ground handling covers all the essential information concerning movement and handling of the aircraft while on the
ground. The following paragraphs give, in detail, the instructions and precautions necessary to accomplish ground
handling functions. Parking, covers, ground handling, and towing equipment are shown in igure 2-45.
a. General Ground Handling Procedure. Accidents resulting in injury to personnel and damage to equipment
can be avoided or minimized by close observance of existing safety standard and recognized ground handling proce-
dures. Carelessness or insuficient knowledge of the aircraft or equipment being handled can be fatal. The applicable
technical manuals and pertinent directives should be studied for familiarization with the aircraft, its components, and
the ground handling procedures applicable to it, before attempting to accomplish ground handling.
b. Ground Handling Safety Practices. Aircraft equipped with turboprop engines require additional mainte-
nance safety practices. The following list of safety practices should be observed at all times to prevent possible
injury to personnel and/or damaged or destroyed aircraft:
(1). Keep intake air ducts free of loose articles such as rags, tools, etc.
(2). Stay clear of exhaust outlet areas.
(3). During ground run-up, ensure the brakes are irmly set.
(4). Keep area fore and aft of propellers clear of maintenance equipment.
(5). Do not operate engines with light control surfaces in the locked position.
(6). Do not attempt towing or taxiing of the aircraft with light control surfaces in the locked position.
(7). When high winds are present do not unlock the control surfaces until prepared to properly operate them.
(8). Do not operate engines while towing equipment is attached to the aircraft or while the aircraft is tied
(9). Check the nose wheel position. Unless it is in the centered position, avoid operating the engines at high
power settings.
(10).Hold control surfaces in the neutral position when the engines are being operated at high power settings.
(11).When moving the aircraft, do not push on propeller deicing boots. Damage to the heating elements may
c. Moving Aircraft on Ground. Aircraft on the ground shall be moved in accordance with the following:
Taxiing. Taxiing shall be in accordance with Chapter 8.