TM 1-1510-262-10
1. Open the access door on the upper cowling to gain access to the oil iller cap and dipstick.
A cold oil check is unreliable. If possible, check oil within 10 minutes after engine shutdown. If
over 10 minutes have elapsed, motor the engine for 40 seconds, then check. If over 10 hours have
elapsed, start the engine and run for 2 minutes, then check. Add oil as required. Do not overill.
If oil level is over 2 quarts low, motor or run engine as required, and service as necessary.
Remove oil iller cap.
Insert a clean funnel, with a screen incorporated, into the iller neck.
Replenish with oil to within 1 quart below MAX mark or the MAX COLD on dipstick (cold engine). Fill to
MAX or MAX HOT (hot engine).
6. Check oil iller cap for damaged preformed packing, general condition, and locking.
Ensure that oil iller cap is correctly installed and securely locked to prevent loss of oil and possible
engine failure.
7. Install and secure oil iller cap.
8. Check for any oil leaks.
a. Servicing Hydraulic Brake System Reservoir.
1. Gain access to brake hydraulic system reservoir.
2. Remove brake reservoir cap and ill reservoir to washer on dipstick with hydraulic luid.
3. Install brake reservoir cap.
b. Servicing Hydraulic Landing Gear System. Servicing the hydraulic landing gear extension/retraction sys-
tem consists of maintaining the correct luid level and maintaining the correct accumulator pre-charge. The accumu-
lator is located in the reservoir access area and is charged to 800 50 PSI using bottled nitrogen. A charging gauge
is mounted on the accumulator. A reservoir, located just inboard of the left nacelle and forward of the main spar, has
a lid with a dipstick attached marked FLUID TEMP 0F, 50F, 100F . Add MIL-H-5606 hydraulic luid (consumable
materials list) as required to ill the system, corrected for temperature.
Inlate tires as follows:
1. Inlate nose wheel tires to a pressure between 55 and 60 PSI.
2. Inlate main wheel tires to a pressure between 73 and 77 PSI.
The toilet should be serviced during routine ground maintenance of the aircraft following every usage. The waste
storage container should be removed, emptied, its disposable plastic liner replaced, and the container replaced in
the toilet cabinet. Toilet paper, waste container plastic liners, and dry chemical deodorant packets should also be
resupplied within the toilet cabinet as needed.
Servicing the air conditioning system consists of checking and maintaining the correct refrigerant level, compressor
oil level, belt tension and condition, system leak detection, and replacement of the evaporator air ilters. It is im-
perative that only qualiied refrigerant system technicians accomplish maintenance of the air conditioning system,
except for ilter replacement.