TM 1-1510-262-10
6. In event nose position tie down is considered to be of doubtful security due to existing soil condition, drive
additional anchor rods at nose tie down position. Place padded work stand or other suitable support
under the aft fuselage tie down position and secure.
7. Place control surfaces in locked position and trim tab controls in neutral position. Place wing laps in up
8. The requirements for dust excluders, protective covers, and taping of openings will be left to the discre-
tion of the responsible maintenance oficer or the pilot of the transient aircraft (Fig. 2-48).
10. Disconnect battery.
11. During typhoon or hurricane wind conditions mooring security can be further increased by placing sand-
bags along the wings to break up the aerodynamic low of air over the wing, thereby reducing the lift
being applied against the mooring by the wind. The storm appears to pass two times, each time with a
different wind direction. This will necessitate turning the aircraft after the irst passing.
12. After high winds, inspect aircraft for visible signs of structural damage and for evidence of damage from
lying objects. Service nose shock strut and reconnect battery.