TM 10-4930-351-14
0109 00
Ensure retaining clip is installed so the governor has full freedom of movement and does
Attach governor spring (12) to governor assembly connection point (2). Install retaining clip (14).
Install safety plate (15) and mounting screw (16).
Compression washers are concave. When reassembling, the concave faces of the washers
should face each other.
10. Position compression springs (17), compression washers (18), compression springs (19) and throttle lever (20) on speed
control lever (11).
The safety plate should be moveable, but not move freely, after tightening screw.
11. Install and tighten screw (21) and washer (22).
Refer to Figure 11.
Set screw adjusts top end RPM of the engine. The set screw has a small "indented dot"
that should be positioned at 7:00 o'clock. This will provide a top engine speed of
approximately 3600 RPM.
12. Install set screw (1) and jam nut (2) in crankcase. Install protective cover (3).
0109 00-14