5 - 1 . SCOPE.
This chapter is
limited to non-
tactical paint schemes for specific geographic
locations and missions other than tactical. Non-
tactical paint schemes were developed to provide
high visibility in congested areas. to enhance
post-crash survival in hazardous terrain, or to
identify a specific mission of an aircraft. The in-
formation in this chapter is provided to help the
major Army field commanders, with authorized
deviations, t o s e l e c t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p a i n t
scheme commensurate with the aircraft mission
and location. In most cases, the standard tactical
Aircraft in depot overhaul will be painted
3. Major Army field commanders may apply for
to a non-tactical paint scheme during overhaul if
deviation for the standard tactical paint scheme
the major Army field commander, to whom the air-
depicted in Chapter 4 by writing to AVSCOM, ATTN:
craft will be assigned, requests a specific non-
AMSAV-MEA, who has the authority to grant the devia-
tactical paint scheme, or if it is otherwise known
tions. Research and development aircraft which are the
that the aircraft will be definitely assigned to a
responsibility of project or systems managers are ex-
mission or geographic location that requires a
empted from this requirement.
specific non-tactical paint scheme.
Newly-assigned aircraft that are known to
have a limited length of assignment for a special
non-tactical mission or location should not be re-
b. Authority to use unique non-tactical paint
painted to a non-tactical paint scheme.
schemes, markings, insignia, etc. that are different
from those described in this chapter, must be approved
by the major Army field commander and deviation re-
Assigned aircraft having the standard tact-
quests subsequently submitted to AVSCOM, ATTN:
ical paint scheme of Chapter 4 may be repainted
to a non-tactical scheme when the long-range
ty, mission requirement, cost reduction, etc.), and sket-
mission or location of the aircraft is such as to
ches or photographs describing the unique paint
require a non-tactical scheme.