a. Normally the markings will be placed directly
a. RANGE MARKINGS. The instrument range
over the instrument graduations as in the sample in-
marking will be made using tape, Federal Specifica-
struments. However, if in this position the markings
tion A-A-113, the altermate method range marking
should interfere with instrument readings from the
may be made using lacquer, Federal Specification
normal crew position, it is permissible to move the
TT-L-32, in the color desired. For night vision use
marker above or below the graduations as required.
tape, reflective Federal Specification L-S-300, in the
Care must be taken to assure that the markings cover
the correct range when they are moved towards the
(1) Clean the surface of the gage to be mark-
center. It will be noted that the length of the marking
ed, making sure all dirt, oil and grease have been
required to cover given instrument range becomes
smaller as it is moved closer to the center of the dial.
(See figure 7-4, detail A.) To avoid possible error, it is
(2) Cut the tape to desired ARC length and
suggested that lines be drawn from the extremities of
color desired, approximately 1/16 of an inch thick.
the graduations to be encompassed, to the center of
(3) Apply the tape making sure all bubbles
the dial. The marking can then be placed anywhere
and wrinkles have been removed.
within these two lines. Every effort should be made,
however, to keep the markings as far from the center
(4) For lacquer marking clean surface as (a)
of the dial as possible.
above, making the range markings approximately
1/16 of an inch thick in the color and range desired.
b. Instruments with multirotation pointers will
have the number of times that the pointer crosses zero
indicated by short dashes at right angles to the mark-
ing, as illustrated in figure 7-4, Detail B. It will be
All operating ranges will be established us-
noted that the green arc extends from 1700 to 2300
ing the applicable Aircraft Operators Man-
and that the red radial is at 2500.