TM 55-1510-215-10
pressed, this area will display the radial from the
The RAD button when pressed permits displaying the
VORTAC or TACAN station to the aircraft.
radial (in place of ground speed) from the VORTAC or
waypoint in the DME indicator.
(6) DST (distance) display.
Shows the
In addition, the KNS 81 tunes the KTU 709
distance the waypoint is offset from the VORTAC or
DME/TACAN system to 252 (126X and 126Y) TACAN
TACAN station.
channels. The system is protected through a 3-ampere
circuit breaker, placarded NAV 1, located on the copilot's
subpanel. DME is protected through a 2-ampere circuit
In the VOR or TAC mode, this display
breaker, placarded DME, located on the copilot's circuit
will show dashes to indicate that
breaker panel.
b. Controls and Functions.
Its value is selected by the data input knobs when
(1) System
the caret is at the DST display. This area will display the
annunciation displays the mode (VOR, VOR/RNV, VOR/
distance from the VORTAC or TACAN station to the
aircraft when the CHK button is pressed.
(7) Data input knobs. Two concentric knobs
used for selection of VOR/LOC frequency or TACAN
When an ILS frequency is selected in
channel, waypoint radial, and waypoint distance. DME
and TACAN are channeled with selection of the paired
automatically goes into the ILS mode
VOR frequency or TACAN channel.
The internal
regardless of the VOR mode
glideslope is channeled with selection of the paired LOC
frequency. Turn these knobs to enter desired data into
the RNAV computer as follows:
(2) WPT (waypoint) display.
Shows the
number of the waypoint data storage bin that is being
(a) Frequency/channel selection. In a
displayed in the display window. When the displayed
VOR mode, the large knob controls the 10 and 1 MHz
waypoint number is different from the active waypoint,
digit in the display. The small knob controls the 0.1 and
the WPT will blink.
0.05 MHz digit and selects FRQ in 0.05 MHz steps in
either the in or out position.
(3) Caret display (> <).
Indicates the
waypoint parameter (frequency or channel, radial, or
In a TACAN mode, the large knob controls the 10
distance) that the data input knobs are controlling. The
and 100 digits in the display. The small knob controls
caret display cycles from FRQ to RAD to DST and back
the 1 digit in the in position and x or y selection in the out
to FRQ as the data button is pressed.
position. If the unit is displaying an illegal channel, i.e.,
00 or 127 through 129, the FRQ will flash.
(4) FRQ (frequency) display.
Shows the
frequency entered into the system for VOR, VORTAC, or
(b) Radial selection. The large knob
localizer stations with the data input knobs. When in a
changes the 10-degree and 100-degree digit of the
TACAN mode, the channel number is displayed. When
display. The small knob changes the 1-degree digit in
selecting a frequency or channel, the carets must be at
the inner position and the 0.1-degree digit in the outer
the FRQ display. When the system is first turned on, the
information being displayed prior to the last shutdown
(c) Distance selection. The large knob
will be displayed again.
changes the 100 and 10 nautical mile digit of the display.
(5) RAD (radial) display. Shows the VORTAC
The small knob changes the 1 nautical mile digit in the in
(inner) position and the 0.1 nautical mile digit in the out
or TACAN station radial on which the waypoint is
(outer) position.
(8) DATA button.
The momentary push
In the VOR or TAC mode, this display
button placarded, DATA, moves the caret (> <) display
will show dashes to indicate that
from FRQ to RAD to DST and back to FRQ, providing a
RNAV radial information is irrelevant.
visual reference of which waypoint parameter the data
input knobs are addressing.
The value is selected by the data input knobs when
(9) Power OFF PULL IDENT volume control.
the caret is at the RAD display. When the CHK button is
3-22 Change 5