TM 55-1510-215-10
System status displays
Data input knobs
DATA button
Power OFF PULL IDENT volume control
CHK (check) button
RAD (radial) button
RTN (return) button
USE button
Waypoint select knob
Figure 3-14. NAV 1 Receiver
(13) USE button. After calling up a previously
Turn clockwise for power on and volume increase. Pull
entered RNAV waypoint, VORTAC, TACAN, or ILS
out for VOR/LOC IDENT tone. In TACAN modes. this
frequency with the waypoint select knob, depressing this
audio is muted and the station is identified by selecting
momentary push button will put in use that waypoint.
DME on the audio panel.
VOR. VORTAC. TACAN. or ILS frequency.
(10) CHK (check) button.
Pressing this
(14) Waypoint select knob. Selects any one of
momentary push-button displays the aircraft's position
ten data storage bins in which VOR/LOC frequencies or
from a VORTAC or TACAN by replacing the RAD and
DST waypoint parameters normally displayed with the
have been inserted. Each storage bin can be called up
radial and distance from the VORTAC or TACAN station.
as required from 0 through 9, or 9 through 0.
(11) RAD (radial) button. This two-position
(15) Mode select knob. This knob selects one
button is normally operated in the outer position. When
of the six available modes of operation. Modes are:
depressed (inner position), the remote digital DME
VOR (direct to or from a VOR or VORTAC station with
indicator will display the radial you are on (from the
angular course width deviation), VOR/ RNAV (direct to
active waypoint, VORTAC, or TACAN station) instead of
waypoint with linear crosstrack deviation 5 nautical
groundspeed and time-to station. This feature becomes
mile). VOR/RNV/APR (direct to waypoint with linear
inoperative in DME hold mode or when the DME is tuned
crosstrack deviation 1.25 nautical mile), TAC (direct to
by another NAV receiver.
or from VORTAC or TACAN station with angular course
(12) RTN (return) button. A momentary push
width deviation), TAC/RNV (direct to waypoint with linear
crosstrack deviation 5 nautical mile). TAC/RNV/APR
button that switches the display to the active waypoint,
(direct to waypoint with linear crosstrack deviation 1.25
VORTAC, TACAN, or ILS frequency. This button is
nautical mile).
used after entering new data for other waypoints, and
you desire returning to navigation data presently in use.
Change 5 3-23