TM 55-1510-215-10
7. Doors and linkage - Check.
free of obstructions.
8. Air bypass and oil cooler (rear) -
3. Left cowl locks - Locked.
Check free of obstructions and oil leaks.
4. Left exhaust stub - Check for cracks
* (O)
9. Firewall fuel filter drain (at inertial
and security.
separator duct) - Turn/release. Check for fuel drainage.
Right wing.
Check blades for nicks, security of spinner and free
1. Inverter air intake
6. Nacelle air intake - Check free of
exhaust port - Check free of obstructions.
2. Fuel vents (2) - Check heated,
7. Nacelle
recessed and flush vents free of obstructions.
condition and security.
3. Heated battery vent - Check for
8. Oil cooler air intake - Check free of
general condition and security.
obstructions and leakage.
4. Wing ice light - Check.
9. Right cowl locks - Locked.
5. Deicer boot
10. Right exhaust stub - Check for
secure, boot free of cuts and
cracks and security.
6. Wing tank fuel and cap - Check fuel
11. Engine compartment - Check for
level visually. Check seal is installed, cap is tight and
fuel and oil leaks, oil level and positively secure oil cap
properly installed (latch tab aft).
(latch tab aft).
7. Tiedown - Released.
12. Nacelle tank fuel and cap - Check
8. Fuel vent - Check flush vent free of
fuel level visually. Check seal is installed, cap is tight
and properly installed (latch tab aft).
9. Landing light - Check.
13. Fuel filter drain ring - Pull/release.
10. Wing tip and navigation light -
14. Engine compartment access door -
Locked. Visually check locking hooks.
11. Static wicks - Check for security of
discharge wicks.
Right main landing gear.
12. Controls, flaps, and trim tabs -
1. Tire - Check for cuts, bruises, wear,
Check hinge attachment and trim tab rig.
and proper inflation.
13. Skin condition - Check for skin
2. Brake assembly - Check brake lines
damage, such as buckling, cracking, splitting, distortion,
for damage or signs of leakage, and brake linings for
dents or fuel leaks.
Fuselage right side.
3. Shock strut - Check for signs of
leakage and 2.75-INCH EXTENSION (MINI-MUM).
1. Skin condition - Check for skin
damage, such as buckling, cracking, splitting, distortion
or dents.
5. Safety switch - Check.
2. Cabin air exhaust vents - Check free
6. Wheel well general condition -
of obstructions.
4. Static port - Check free of dirt or
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