TM 55-1510-215-10
c. Minimum Run Takeoff. Minimum run takeoffs
are performed with APPROACH flaps. After the lineup
AUTOFEATHER system arm lights
check is completed, set takeoff power and release
should illuminate at 88% to 92% N1.
brakes. As soon as elevator control becomes effective
(approximately 50 KIAS) raise the nose wheel clear of
This is to assure autofeather arming
the runway. Continue to apply elevator pressure in a
smooth continuous motion until clear of the runway, then
lower nose and accelerate to desired climb speed.
4. Autoignition As required.
Monitor ITT and torque. Retract the landing gear when
flight is assured.
5. Landing/taxi lights As required.
d. Obstacle Clearance Climb. Follow procedures
8-19. Takeoff.
as outlined for a minimum run takeoff, to the point of
actual liftoff. When flight is assured, retract the landing
gear and establish a wings-level climb attitude,
maintaining the computed best angle-of-climb speed
(Vx). Climb at this speed until clear of the obstacle.
Minimum run takeoff is a contingency
After the obstacle is cleared, accelerate to an airspeed
maneuver and may be performed
equal to or exceeding best rate-of-climb airspeed (V y).
below Vmc and below power off stall
Retract flaps after attaining single-engine best rate-of-
speed. Control of the aircraft may be
climb airspeed (V yse).
lost if engine failure occurs at or
immediately following liftoff or until
8-20. After Takeoff.
the best angle of climb speed can be
Retract landing gear below 130 KCAS
(127 KIAS).
Additional airspeed
To prevent damage to the landing
imposes excessive air loads on the
gear retraction mechanism, brakes
gear retraction mechanism.
should not be applied to slow down
the rotation of the tires while
1. Gear UP.
retracting the landing gear or after
gear is up. A rubberized drag brake
2. Flaps UP.
shoe is provided in the wheel well to
stop the wheels from rotating after
3. Climb power Set.
4. Auxiliary fuel pumps OFF.
To aid in planning the takeoff and to obtain
5. Autofeather system OFF.
a. Normal Takeoff. Apply takeoff power. Maintain
6. Flight director/yaw damp As required.
directional control with nosewheel steering and rudder
while maintaining wings level with ailerons. Use of
7. Wings and nacelles Check for fuel and
differential power at the beginning of takeoff roll will
oil leaks.
assist in directional control. Rotate at (V r) and allow the
aircraft to accelerate to the desired climb airspeed.
8. Landing/taxi lights As required.
Rotation should be at a rate that will allow liftoff at the
liftoff speed (V lof ).
8-21. Climb Normal.
b. Crosswind Takeoff. Position the aileron control
into the wind at the start of the takeoff roll. Leading with
upwind power at the beginning of the takeoff roll will
assist in maintaining directional control.
Change 8 8-17