TM 55-1510-215-10
4. Auxiliary fuel pumps OFF.
14. Master switch Down.
5. Autoignitio n OFF.
15. Oxygen regulator
NORMAL, 100%, OFF.
6. Anti-icing/deicing OFF.
16. Keylock switch OFF.
7. Inlet air separator OFF.
8-33. Before Leaving Aircraft.
8. Engine ice vanes As required.
1. Wheels Chocked.
9. Radar/transponder Standby.
Parking brakes are primarily intended
for short term usage. Temperature
To prevent zeroizing the MODE 4
changes or system leakage may
function of the transponder, when the
cause inadvertent brake release.
landing gear is down and the struts
compressed, place the CODE control
2. Parking brake As required.
momentarily in HOLD position before
either transponder or aircraft power
3. Flight controls Locked.
is turned off. CODE HOLD condition
will only be removed when the struts
4. Voice security computer Removed.
are extended and the MASTER
control is not in OFF position.
5. Transponder computer Removed.
10. Voice security Zeroize.
6. Transponder Check zeroized.
8-32. Engine Shutdown.
7. Windows and doors Closed.
1. Parking brake Set.
8. Walk around inspection Completed.
2. Landing/taxi lights OFF.
3. Heater OFF.
If strong winds are anticipated while
4. Vent blower OFF.
the aircraft is unattended, the
5. Avionics master switch OFF.
prevent their windmilling with zero
engine oil pressure.
6. Autofeather switches OFF.
9. DA Form 2408-12 and -13 Completed.
7. Heat switches (9) OFF.
8. Invert ers OFF.
requirements for reporting any
excessive operation such as hard
10. Conditions Levers FUEL CUTOFF (ITT
landings, etc., the flight crew will also
610C or less).
make entries on DA Form 2408-13 to
indicate when limits in the Operator's
11. Transfer pumps OFF.
Manual have been exceeded.
12. Crossfeed CLOSED.
10. Aircraft Secure.
13. Beacon/lighting systems OFF.
8-20 Change 5