TM 55-1510-215-10
8-34. General.
This aircraft is certified for operation under
Climb or cruise at 10 to 15 KIAS
instrument flight conditions. Flight handling, stability
above normal speeds when icing
characteristics, and range are the same during
conditions exist. Reducing the angle
instrument flight conditions as when under visual flight
of attack minimizes the accumulation
conditions. Adequate navigation and communication
of ice on all surfaces.
equipment is installed to provide instrument flight.
c. Instrument Cruise. There are no unusual flight
characteristics during cruise in instrument meteorological
For proper instrument operation do
not taxi until all gyro warning flags
d. Speed Range. Stability and flight characteristics
are masked from view.
are normal through the full speed range during
instrument flight operations.
Power settings during
8-35. Instrument Flight Procedures.
instrument flight should be conducted in accordance with
Refer to FM 1-5, FM 1-30, FLIP, AR 95-1, FAR Part
91, and procedures described in this manual.
e. Communication and Navigation Equipment. No
special technique due to aircraft configuration is
a. Instrument Takeoff.
Complete the checks
prescribed in this chapter. Align the aircraft with the
center of the runway. Allow it to roll straight ahead for a
f. Instrument Descent . When a descent at slower
few feet before stopping so the nose wheel will be
than cruise speed is desired, slow the aircraft to the
straight. Hold the brakes and note the heading to be
desired speed before initiating the descent. Normal
maintained during takeoff roll. Follow takeoff procedures
descent or radar controlled descent to traffic pattern
dictated by local conditions.
altitude can be made using cruise air speed. Normally,
descent will be made with the aircraft in a clean
configuration, maintaining cruise speed by reducing
power as required.
The aircraft is completely
A slight amount of pitch error in the
controllable in a high rate of descent with the landing
indication of the attitude indicator will
gear and wing flaps extended. A high rate of descent
may be obtained using the drag on the propeller in HIGH
decelerations. It will appear as a
slight climb indication after an
g. Holding. Recommended holding airspeed is 143
indication after deceleration.
KCAS (140 KIAS). Maintain cruise RPM and reduce
error will be most noticeable at the
power as required. For extended holding patterns,
time the aircraft breaks ground
consult the appropriate fuel and power chart in chapter
during takeoff.
7. For descents in
the holding pattern, decrease power
and maintain the holding pattern airspeed.
b. Instrument Climb .
Instrument climbs should
normally be performed at 143 KCAS (140 KIAS). Refer
h. Instrument Approaches .
Various procedures
to chapter 7 for information regarding fuel consumption
can be used for instrument approaches.
and rate-of-climb.
When safe altitude and climb
letdowns are made in clean or in landing
airspeed are attained, complete the after takeoff checks
configuration are at the discretion of the pilot.
as prescribed in this chapter.
Change 8 8-21