TM 55-1510-215-10
8-28. Obstacle Clearance Approach.
d. Touch And Go Landing. If a touch and go
landing is to be performed, allow the nose wheel to
Fly a traffic pattern completing the before landing checks
touch the runway and perform the following:
as previously described. Lower flaps on base leg as
required and complete final landing check after turning
1. Flaps As required.
final. Adjust pitch, power and flaps to maintain the
desired approach angle and airspeed so as to arrive at
2. Trim Set.
the intended landing point at minimum touchdown speed
consistent with existing conditions.
3. Power Max allowable.
8-30. Go-Around.
When a go-around is started before the LANDING
check, use power as required to climb to, or maintain,
Obstacle clearance approach speeds
desired altitude and airspeed. If the go-around is started
may be below Vmc.
after the LANDING check has been performed, apply
maximum allowable power and simultaneously increase
8-29. Landing.
pitch attitude to stop the descent. Retract the landing
gear after ensuing that the aircraft will not touch the
ground. Retract the flaps to APPROACH, adjusting pitch
attitude simultaneously to avoid altitude loss. Accelerate
100% flaps must be used to obtain
to best rate-of-climb airspeed (Vy), retracting flaps fully
the minimum landing distances in
after attaining the Vref speed used for the approach and
perform the following:
1. Gear Recheck DOWN (check lights).
1. Power As required.
2. Gear UP.
beta or reverse is required).
3. Flaps UP.
4. Landing lights OFF.
increase propeller blade erosion.
5. Climb Power Set.
Exercise caution when reversing on
surfaces where loose sand, gravel, or
6. Yaw damp As required.
dust are present.
8-31. After Landing (clear of the runway).
a. Normal Landing. Refer to
chapter 7 for landing
data. Plan the final approach to arrive at runway
threshold at recommended approach speed. As the
aircraft touches down, gently lower the nosewheel to the
runway and use reversing, brakes, or beta range, as
Prolonged use of landing lights on
b. Crosswind Landing. Crab or slip into the wind to
the ground may cause heat damage
correct for drift during final approach. The crab is
to the plastic landing light shield due
changed to a slip for roundout and touchdown.
to the lack of cooling airflow.
Differential power may be used to aid in aircraft control
during approach and landing. Refer to chapter 7 for
1. Landing/taxi lights As required.
landing data.
2. Propellers HIGH RPM.
c. Power Approach/Precision Landing. Set power,
flaps, and trim as required to maintain the desired
3. Flaps UP.
airspeed and descent angle.
Change 7 8-19