TM 55-1510-215-10
g. Before Leaving the Aircraft. Install all protective
k. Before Leaving the Aircraft. Park the aircraft in
covers to keep out blowing sand and dust. If blowing
a warm area if possible. Should this be impossible, after
sand and dust do not present a hazard, leave the cockpit
wheel chocks are in place release the brakes to prevent
vent/storm windows open to provide ventilation. Take
extreme care to prevent sand or dust from entering the
will be minimized if aircraft fuel tanks are filled. Remove
fuel and oil systems during servicing.
any accumulation of dirt and ice from the landing gear
shock struts. Install protective covers to guard against
8-47. Hot Weather Operation.
possible collection of snow and ice.
8-46. Desert Operation.
Dust, sand and high temperatures encountered
during desert operation can sharply reduce the
operational life of the aircraft and its equipment. The
A limitation based on pressure
abrasive qualities of dust and sand upon turbine blades
altitude and ambient temperature
and moving parts of the aircraft and the destructive
prohibits aircraft takeoff under
effect of heat upon the aircraft instruments will increase
certain high ambient temperature
maintenance if basic preventive measures are not
(Takeoff Temperature
followed. In flight, the hazards of dust and sand will be
difficult to escape, since dust clouds over a desert may
be found at altitudes up to 10,000 feet.
During hot weather operations, the principle
difficulties encountered are high interstage turbine
a. Preparation for Flight. Check the position of the
temperature (ITT) during engine starting and takeoff,
aircraft in relation to other aircraft. Propeller blown sand
over-heating of brakes, and longer takeoff and landing
blast can damage other aircraft. Wipe the landing gear
rolls. In areas where high humidity is encountered,
shock struts free of dust and sand with a clean cloth.
electrical equipment (such as communication equipment
Remove all aircraft protective covers. Check instrument
and instruments) will be subject to malfunction by
panel and general interior for dust and sand
corrosion, fungi, and moisture absorption by nonmetallic
accumulation. Open main entrance door and cockpit
vent/storm windows to ventilate the aircraft. Operate all
moveable control surfaces.
a. Preparation for Flight. No special technique or
procedures are required for flight preparation.
b. Engine Starting. Perform the normal procedures
b. Engine Starting.
Engine starting under
conditions of high ambient temperatures may produce a
c. Warm-Up Ground Tests. Perform the normal
higher than normal ITT during the start. The ITT should
be closely monitored when the condition lever is moved
damage to the engine during desert operation use
to the LO IDLE position. If overtemperature tendencies
inertial separators (activate ICE VANE).
are encountered, the condition lever should be moved to
d. Taxiing. When practical avoid taxiing over
of gas generator RPM (N1). Be prepared to abort the
start before temperature limitations are exceeded.
result from the impingement of sand and gravel. Use
minimum wheel braking action since brake cooling is
c. Warm-Up and Ground Tests. Perform normal
retarded at high ambient temperatures.
e. Takeoff. No special technique or procedures
d. Taxiing. Use the wheel brakes as little as
are required during takeoff.
possible since cooling is retarded at high ambient
f. Landing. No special technique or procedures
are required during landing. (Refer to Section II for
e. Takeoff. No special technique or procedures
normal engine shutdown procedures.)
are required during takeoff.