TM 55-1510-215-10
c. Accelerated Stalls.
Accelerated stalls are
caused by increasing the aircraft's weight due to
Spin tests have not been conducted
centrifugal force in a turn or an abrupt pull-out from a
on this aircraft.
The recovery
dive. The stall speed is increased by the square root of
technique is based on the best
the G factor multiplied by the normal stalling speed. The
available information.
aircraft gives noticeable stall warning in the form of
buffeting when the stall occurs. The stall warning and
8-40. Diving.
buffet can be demonstrated in turns by applying
excessive back pressure on the control wheel.
Maximum diving airspeed (red line) is 208 KCAS
8-39. Spins.
(208 KIAS, Vmo) as shown in the Flight Envelope Chart,
Flight characteristics are conventional
throughout a dive maneuver, however, caution should be
used if rough air is encountered after maximum
allowable dive speed has been reached, since it is
difficult to reduce speed in dive configuration. Dive
recovery should be very gentle to avoid excessive
Do not pull out of the resulting dive
aircraft stresses.
too abruptly as this could cause
excessive wing loads and a possible
8-41. Maneuvering Flight.
secondary stall.
The maximum speed at which abrupt full control
Intentional spins are not permitted. If a spin is
travel can be applied without exceeding the design load
inadvertently entered, use the following recovery
factor of the aircraft is 169 KCAS (168 KIAS). The
procedures accomplishing steps 1 through 3 as near
Flight Envelope Chart as shown in chapter 5 is a plot of
simultaneously as possible.
maximum gross weight and shows the speeds at which
maneuvers are restricted and unrestricted, as related to
load limit factors.
2. Apply full rudder, opposite the direction of
spin rotation.
8-42. Flight Controls.
3. Push control wheel full forward and
The aircraft is stable under all normal flight
neutralize ailerons.
4. Maintain control positions in Steps 1
8-43. Level Flight Characteristics.
through 3 until rotation stops then neutralize all controls
and execute a smooth pullout.
All flight characteristics are conventional throughout
the level flight speed range.
8-24 Change 8