TM 55-2840-231-23
1-70. Test Requirements.
a.Table 1-10 lists the
accessory. Parts removed
During cold weather operation, 150 psig engine
oil pressure is permitted following engine
start. When the 130 psig limit is exceeded,
operate engine at idle RPM until normal
engine oil pressure is obtained. When engine
oil pressure is within normal limits, engine
may be operated within full range of
temperature limits 54°C to 107OC ( 65°F to
224OF) without regard to engine oil
temperature markings.
test requirements following repair or replacement of an engine component or
to gain access to other parts or areas shall invoke the same test requirements
in accordance with the table of test requirements, as parts repaired or replaced to correct deficiencies or
malfunctions. In the event that more than one test requirement is invoked, the most severe shall apply.
b. Setting numbers listed in the functional test column of table 1-10 refer to the setting numbers in
the functional test schedule (Table 1-11).
c. The following test points should be utilized for vibration testing of an engine when installed in an
(1) Steady state data points:
(a) Throttle full open, 103 percent N2, flat pitch, stabilize for 30 seconds, record reading,
(b) Throttle full open, 103 percent N2, increase collective until skids are light, stabilize
for 30 seconds, record reading.
(2) Transient data points:
(a) Throttle at idle, flat pitch, increase throttle to full open (103 percent N2 ) record the
peak reading.
(b) Throttle full open, 103 percent N2, flat pitch, increase collective until skids are light,
record the peak reading.
Table 1-10. Test Requirements
Parts Replaced
or Repaired
Gearbox seals
Oil pressure reducer
Lube oil check valve
3 thru 6
1 thru 6
1 thru 6
Check for leaks.
Insure oil pressure is within limits of table 1-9.
Insure oil pressure is within limits of table 1-9.
Change 11