TM 55-2840-231-23
AIRFRAME/ Continued
1-72. Health Indicator Test (HIT) - Continued
g. Read TOT from
indicator. Record TOT
beside the circle OAT.
h. Apply the TOT
Correction Factor in
column three adjacent
the circled OAT to
indicated TOT and record
the result in the open
space in column four.
i. Apply the TOTB
Correction Factor in
column five to the TOT in
column four. Records
results of calculations for
each of the OAT/N 1
combinations shown in
column six.
j. Enter baseline
information in the
respective columns of the
k. The HIT TOT Log
should be placed in the
log book where pilots can
utilize it in accordance
with applicable 10
manual directions. The
HIT TOT Work Sheet
should be retained with
the engine Historical
Records and discarded
only after the completion
of the next successive HIT
TOT Baseline. The
current HIT TOT Log and
Work Sheet should
accompany the Historical
Records when the engine
is removed for any reason.
Change 11