TM 55-2840-231-23
2-6. Compressor - Installation - Continued
ENGINE/ - Continued
Lockwire (item 7, Appendix D).
6. Anti-Icing Air
Valve (16)
7. Anti-Icing Air
Tubes (12 and 19)
8. Anti-Icing Air
Valve Poppet Guide
Antiseize Compound (item 6, Appendix D).
Lubricating Oil (item 5, Appendix D).
AntiSeize Compound (item 6, Appendix D).
Lockwire (item 7, Appendix D)
(29) to 70-85 in. lb (0.8 -
1.0 kg/m) and secure
with lockwire.
Apply antiseize com-
pound to threads of
anti-icing air valve (16)
and lubricating oil to a
new preformed packing
(18). Screw anti-icing
air valve (16), with
backed-off jam nut (17)
and new preformed
packing (18) into the
diffuser scroll. Do not
tighten the jam nut (17)
at this time.
Apply antiseize to
threads; then install
anti-icing air tubes (12
and 19) between anti-
icing air valve (16) and
compressor front
support, Tighten
coupling nuts of tubes
(12 and 19) to 150-200
in. lb (1.7 -2.3 kg/m).
Tighten anti-icing valve
jam nut (17) to 100-150
in. lb (1.2 -1.7 kg/m)
and secure with lockwire.
Loosen the anti-icing
air valve poppet guide
and position the anti-
icing valve lever as fol-
lows with respect to the
a. On the OH-6 helicop-
ter, the lever shall extend
upright and be parallel
to vertical centerline of