TM 55-2840-231-23
5-5. Magnetic Chip Detectors - Removal, Inspection, Cleaning, Installation and Testing
Applicable Configuration
Consumable Materials
A l
ENGINE/Magnetic Chip
1. Removal
2. Inspection
Lubricating Oil (item 5, Appendix D)
Lockwire (item 17, Appendix D)
Magnetic chip detectors are located at the oil
outlet port on the right front and on the bottom of the
accessory gearbox. Each chip detector consists of
a magnetic plug with a single pin electrical recep-
tacle. The threaded plug portion of the chip detec-
tor includes a terminal shaft and pole piece sepa-
rated from a magnet in the plug body by insula-
tors. When ferrous metal particles are sufficient in
size or accumulation to bridge the gap between the
pole piece and the magnet, an electrical (ground)
circuit between the chip detector and the ENG
C H I P D E T i n d i c a t o r l i g h t i s c o m p l e t e d
Remove electrical lead. Remove
lockwire and unscrew magnetic
chip detector. Same oil spilling
is likely. Remove preformed
packing the plug and dis-
card preformed packing
When removing chip detector, care
should be taken not to contaminate detec
t o r
a. Visually check each
plug for metal accumulation.
b. Flakes of magnetic material of
1/16 in. (1.6 mm) or mom diam-
eter are indications of an incipi-
ent failure and are cause for en-
gine removal.
Change 13