TM 55-2840-241-23
Figure 5-7. Fuel Control Max Flow Stop
An over adjustment of the start/acceleration
clockwise setting can cause overtemperature
starts or compressor surge.
If adjuster is positioned to the full clockwise stop and low
lightoff temperatures or slow/hung starts are still en-
countered; ensure there are not pneumatic leaks. (Refer
to para. 5-8.)
2 For excessive lightoff temperature starts, turn the
adjuster counterclockwise. Make the adjustment in changes of
one detent [click) at a time.
An over adjustment of the start/acceleration
counterclockwise setting can cause an increase
in starting time and possibly a hung start.
3 When the final start/acceleration adjuster position
is established, lockwire the pointer in accordance with figure
5 - 6 . 1 .
4 Check idle speed and deceleration time after the
final start setting is determined. (Refer to para. 5-12e and para.
An engine performance check is re-
quired for this adjustment.
Monitor TOT closely after start-derichment
adjustment to be sure overtemperature limits
are not exceeded.
h. Max Fuel Flow Stop Adjustment. This adjustment is re-
quired to avoid exceeding the maximum power limit on the
OH58C aircraft. The fuel control is bench calibrated to max
flows of 235 and 270 pph with the pointer position at these flows
scribe marked on the quadrant. The pointer should be set at
the 235 pph scribe mark. Make the adjustment as follows:
(1) Remove the lockwire from the jam nut. (See figure 5-7).
(2) Loosen the jam nut while holding the pointer in posi-
tion with an S1116 Bristol wrench in the internal wrenching
(3) Turn the pointer with the Bristol wrench to the 235
scribe mark. Turn in a clockwise direction.
Throttle balance spring must be in pro-
per position to insure adequate
clearance for the throttle lever before
tightening jam nut.
(4) Hold the pointer at 235 with the wrench while tighten-
ing the jam nut to 20-25 in. lb. Secure nut with lockwire.
Fuel controls shipped from the manufacturer are set at
the 270 pph scribe mark. Fuel controls on new or over-
hauled engines should be set at the 235 pph scribe mark.
Controls which are set at the 270 pph scribe marl: must
be reset to the 235 pph scribe mark.
Change 11