TM 55-2840-241-23
Use extreme care to prevent damaging the
mirror finish and edge of the spray tip. If fin-
ish or spray tip is damaged, the nozzle must
be replaced.
(2) Suspend the fuel nozzle vertically with the tip
immersed approximately l/8 in. in carbon removal com-
pound (item 17, table 2-2 or equivalent). Soak the tip
as long as necessary (minimum one hour) to remove all
carbon. After carbon removal, flush the nozzle inside
and out using solvent (iem 3, table 2-2) or clean JP-4.
Dry with a soft lint-free cloth.
(3) Clean the air shroud face with a clean cloth: air
holes must be open. Ensure that loosened carbon does
not enter the spray tip.
(1) Visually inspect for damaged mirror finish or
edge of spray tip. Replace damaged nozzles
(2) Visually inspect for carbon lodged in the spray
tip. Flow fuel through the nozzle and replace if carbon
cannot be flushed out.
Do not lubricate the nozzle threads.
(1) Carefully install the nozzle in the outer combus-
tion case and tighten to 200-300 in. lb. Lockwire (item
10, table 2-2) the nozzle to the spark igniter.
(2) Connect the fuel hose to the nozzle. Hold the
fuel hose to prevent twisting and tighten the coupling nut
to 80-120 in. lb.
The PY accumulator, union, and associated 0 rings
are removed from the power turbine governor tee. A
plug and 0 ring are then installed in the tee. Ac-
complishment Instructions:
a. Remove power turbine governor (PTG) from the
e n g i n e .
b. Inspect PY port on PTG.
c. If PY port is found acceptable, remove the PY ac-
cumulator and union as follows:
Do not change orientation of governor tee.
(1) Place a torque reaction wrench on the gov-
ernor tee to prevent damage to the PY port casting area
while removing the accumulator and union.
(2) Remove the 6876775 accumulator from the
governor tee (see Figure 5-9.1) and discard the accu-
(3) Remove the AN81 5-4J (AN81 5 4K) union
and packings from the governor tee (see Figure 5-9.1).
Discard the packings. The union may be retained as
surplus hardware for later use elsewhere.
(4) Install an MS901 5-04 plug in the governor
tee using a new M83248/1-904 packing (see Figure 1
(5) Torque plug to 55-80 lb. in. and secure with
.020 lockwire. Use a torque reaction wrench on the
(6) Install the serviceable governor. Torque
governor attaching nuts to 75-80 Ibs. in.
(7) Reinstall all tubing. Ensure reinstalled
tubes are in serviceable condition. Rigid tube alignment
is very important. Torque values are shown in Table
5-I .2.
Change 20 5-14.1