TM 55-2840-241-23
and tighten to 120-140 in. lb. Apply antiseize com-
pound (item 15, table 2-2) to the threads on the outer
end of the drain valve and install bracket (15) and nut
(16). Tighten the nut to 55-80 in. lb. and lockwire (item
32, table 2-2).
(2) Start the engine and check to ensure that
the valve is closed. Replace the valve if it fails to close.
(3) Attach the drain hose to the valve.
5-39. Thermocouple Terminal Assembly.
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the two nuts securing the thermo-
couple leads to the terminal assembly.
(2) Remove the two nuts and bolts securing the
terminal assembly to the exhaust collector.
b. Installation.
(1) Position the terminal assembly on the
exhaust collector with the large terminal to the top and
secure with two bolts and self-locking nuts. Tighten
the nuts to 35-40 in. lb.
(2) Attach the alumel leads to the top post on
the terminal assembly and secure with the No. 10-32
alumel nut. Tighten the nut to 17-25 in. lb.
(3) Attach the chrome] leads to the bottom post
on the terminal assembly and secure with the No. 8-32
chromel nut. Tighten the nut to 17-25 in. lb.
Change 14
5-28. 1/(5-28.2 blank)