TM 55-2840-241-23
1. Nut
2. Washer
3. Exciter
4. Nut (3)
6. Nut (2)
7. Clamp (2)
8. Clamp (2)
9. Bolt (2)
10. Bolt
11. Bolt
12. Nut (2)
13. Nut
14. Bolt
Figure 5-16. Ignition System
(2) Connect a known satisfactory igniter lead
and spark igniter of type used on engine to the ignition
Do not energize ignition exciter if
spark igniter and lead are discon-
n e c t e d . D a m a g e t o e x c i t e r c o u l d
(9) Apply 28 volts dc to the input termi-
nal of the ignition exciter using a minimum
wire size of 16 gauge. Observe firing. If a re-
15. Bracket
16. Nut
17. Clamp
18. Igniter lead
19. Spark Igniher
petitive spark rate of lees than six sparked per
second is observed replace the ignition exciter.
Do not operate the exciter for more
than 4 minutes in any 30 minute peri-
od. Damage to exciter could occur.
Change 3